Today's photo for Watery Wednesday
was taken at the Oklahoma City Memorial. This is the Reflecting Pool and the East Gate. Notice it has the time of 9:01 marked on it. It represents April 19, 9:01 and the innocence of the city before the attack. The West Gate has 9:03 marked on it, representing the moment we changed forever. These monumental twin gates frame the moment of destruction – 9:02 a.m. – and mark the formal entrances to the Memorial.
wow! that's a beautiful memorial with so much of significance.
I love how the building is reflected from the water.
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It's pretty cool that they built the memorial with a reflecting pool. Water is so healing.
I am so glad you shared that info. I remember watching every detail of that event on TV. It was a sad and an incomprehensible tragedy. I cried when those little babies were carried out of the rubble. We did indeed lose our innocence at that moment. Those times etched on the gates are very thought provoking.
Beautifully designed to help us remember all that was lost in those minutes. Thanks for sharing this Pat.
nice reflections..
I have been reflecting on past moments myself since that phone call on last Friday. Thank you for the good thoughts sent my way.
That's a gorgeous shot!
What a wonderful memorial, another time in our history I will never forget after watching the scene on the news. Thanks for sharing and your photo is beautiful.
fabulous picture, reflection is amazing.
Good capture!
Wasn't that a sad day. Nice to see it has been honored with such a beautiful memorial.
You bring us to such wonderful places, Pat.
wow! I love the reflections!
wow ..that must be a very special place to visit...what a day that was. The little girl the fireman carried was named Bailey.. we remembered that, and named our foal Bailey that year..
i went there a couple years back...the chairs got me...
What a beautiful memorial to all the victims of that horrible event. The reflecting pool is so peaceful.
Somber yet beautiful!
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