
Monday, October 28, 2013

Once is not Enough!

Back in 2007, a movie came out called "Once". It didn't make a big splash at the theaters, but it was a gem of a movie.

From, "Once is a modern-day musical set on the streets of Dublin. Featuring Glen Hansard and his Irish band The Frames, 'Once' tells the story of a street musician and a Czech immigrant during an eventful week as they write, rehearse, and record songs that reveal their unique love story."

If you have not seen it, I would HIGHLY recommend it.

I can't embed the video, but here is the link:

Now they have turned "Once" into a musical. Last year it won 8 Tony awards!

Here is their performance at the Tony Awards:

I got a chance to see this musical in Chicago this past week. What an enjoyable experience! The following pictures are from Broadway in New York that I got from the internet. Obviously cameras weren't allowed in the theater!

What's really cool is that the stage was set up like a bar. The show was scheduled to start at 7:30 pm. But at around 7:15 things started happening on stage. They allowed the audience (from the ground floor) to come up on stage and order drinks from the bar!

After a few minutes the musicians/actors began to play music and sing. I wonder what the people thought who were arriving at that time? "Did the show start already?" Although the house lights were still on! Finally, at 7:30, the people on stage were ushered off except for the musicians, and the play started.

They didn't just stand around and play their instruments. There were a lot of dance movements, too.

The musical was funny, tender, and had great singers and music. If you have the chance to see it, jump on it!


  1. Oh, I saw the musical promos, but didn't know it is a movie. It looks good!

  2. I would be in Genie Heaven at this show. I love theatre and especially musical theatre. It looks like it was a fabulous show. genie

  3. one of my top 5 movies it....

  4. I had it on my DVR for a while but never got around to watching it. I guess I'm missing out.

  5. Once MAY not be enough.
    But, it's usually all I can muster without taking a nap.

  6. I could do with watching a decent movie... thanks Pat.

  7. That is absolutely the coolest thing I've ever heard of, writing the audience into the pre-play scene like that. I'd love to see that show...Ft Myers actually has some pretty decent theater...maybe the traveling version will make it here, that would be wonderful.

    (I'd never even heard of the movie or the play, so thank you so much!!!)


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?