
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Signs - McDonald's

I spotted this McDonald's in the Chicago Theater District. It sure looked fancier than a regular McDonald's sign! I didn't have a chance to look inside of the restaurant to see if it WAS fancier; I had to get right on the tour bus after seeing the musical "Once".

For more signs, visit Lesley here.


  1. The sign definitely looks much fancier than the standard golden arches you would see in most places. I hope you get a chance to visit it someday and take some pictures of the interior. We visited the McDonalds in Rome near the Spanish Steps and the interior is very unique and there is no large signage out front.

  2. The sign is really different and fancy. by seeing the sign it sounds that inside also will be fancy.

  3. McDonald's knows what the people want, they're great at marketing! Here is The Netherlands they even have Dutch food on the menu! :) Danica

  4. It makes me a little bit sad to even see a McDonalds in the theater district. Unless, of course, the tables have tablecloths, there is real silverware, and waiters serve the attractively plated Big Macs on a real plate.

  5. I would have passed it by, Pat. It's always the red M that attracts my attention.

  6. wow that is a pretty fancy sign...i would be interested if it served the same food....just dressed it up nicer...ha

  7. There are towns here in New England that will only allow McDonalds (and other chains) to open if they tone down their signs to fit in with the many Historic Districts. The McDonalds in Freeport, ME is in an old house. It has such a small sign that you'd be hard pressed to realize it was a fast food restaurant.

  8. I heard there is a really fancy one in NYC

  9. It only makes sense since Chicago is the Home of McDonalds!

  10. Much fancier sign. But you didn't want a Mickey D's anyway after that beautiful theater experience did you? I doubt the food was any different.

  11. That is a very fancy sign for a McDonald's.

  12. I guess it would have to be snazzed up to fit in with the neighborhood.

  13. I'll bet they had "fancier" prices!


  14. it even has a marquee :)


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