
Friday, October 19, 2012

More from Autumn Fest

My past two weeks of "Things in a Row" were pictures that I took at Autumn Fest near my home. It was held at the Nature Center where not only are there many trails, a nature center (duh), but also Heritage Farm, an actual working farm representing the 1880's. During that time, this area was a farm community, settled mostly by German-American immigrants. They raised livestock to feed their families and used horses to help with the farming.

My daughter, Jess, her husband, Dave, and granddaughter, Lily, came up for the event. It was a brisk day, and Lily is bundled up here with her hat (gloves at the ready at the back of the stroller). Also in the photo: her beloved teddy bear George.

First stop: The pumpkin patch! (My header photo!)

Which one should I choose?
The perfect one!

After the pumpkin patch we walked into the old farm house. Two women were giving a demonstration on how to make sauerkraut. Did you know that it only takes cabbage and salt to make sauerkraut? At least that's how it was made back then!

The cabbage is sliced,

And then packed into large crocks with lots of salt between the layers. Cover the cabbage and let it ferment in a dark, cool place for six weeks. Wah-lah! You have sauerkraut!

Don't know if this was a working stove or not; regardless - I sure like the looks of it!

We left the kitchen and went out back to where some kids were playing with old fashioned toys. One of them were these short "stilts". We stood and watched a few people try to walk on them. Even though they were only about 5 inches off the ground, they really had a hard time. Dave picked the two wooden stilts up, and with a quick instruction from the girl standing there in the old-fashioned dress, he was up and walking pretty quick!

I thought this little boy looked so cute playing with this toy.

Lily, herself, got to play with a toy from yesteryear.

To be continued.....


  1. OMG what an angel Lily is...

    I always wonder if it would have been great living in those times, harder yes, but in so many ways simpler....

  2. nice...we have an old farm house nearby that does similar...and all the old toys are really the header pic and all the pumpkins...and lily is def cute...smiles.

  3. reminds me of pumpkin patch field trips in school.

  4. We had a wood stove similar to that one only larger in our kitchen when I was a kid. Toast cooked right on the stovetop was the best!

  5. Lots to like on this post, Pat, the pumpkin header, the woodstove, and cute Lily.

  6. What a beautiful stove.


  7. Lily is growing up fast! What a beautiful and interesting day you had. I didn't know that about sauerkraut. It seems like it should have vinegar but the cabbage does have a lot of water. Your header photo is gorgeous - - - - and I, too, like that old stove.

  8. Where did you get that mandelin? My mom does a huge amount of cooking, and would love one that size. Did someone make that for you?
    Great great great pictures by the way!!

  9. You must be so proud of Lily, she is a sweet little girl. I enjoyed this post very much and I also loved your header photo, and the font you picked. Happy Sunday to you Pat and have a great week.


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