
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Autumn Fest Continued

If you are just popping in, you can read Part I here to catch up.

Next up on the agenda - an apple press and making apple cider!

The machine on the left smashes the apples; the one on the right squeezes the juice out of them. (He is just pouring apples into a smaller container so it is easier to add them into the machine.)

Man in the brown hat is adding more apples in the top, as Dave turns the wheel the smash the apples.

Next the smashed apples are placed into the apple press. The lid is put on, then the tightening begins.

And before you know it, out comes the apple cider! It can't get fresher than that!

Discarded apples from the completed process. I wonder if it goes into the compost pile or to the pigs?

Speaking of pigs, here was a big ole boy. Who says there's a shortage of bacon?

We left the farming area and followed a path through the woods and entered a voyager camp. There we found a voyager watching over his meal cooking on the fire.

This band entertained the crowd, and the woman sitting there stood up and "clogged" on a little sheet of wood that was placed right in front of her feet.

We saw a wigwam (fake)

Lily, Dave, and my daughter, Jessica
Inside the wigwam

Do you know what the difference is between a wigwam and a teepee?

A wigwam was more of a permanent structure and was built by the Indian tribes of the Northeast. The inside structure was made of logs or tree branches that went both horizontally and vertically. Then they were covered with tree bark. Wigwams were either dome or cone shaped.

The teepee was considered a temporary shelter and was used more by the Indian tribes of the Great Plains. Its framework was made of vertical poles that spread far apart on the bottom and came together at the top. This gave the teepee it's cone shape. Then the poles were covered with buffalo skin.
(I hope my First Nation friends are happy with my answer!)

Here was the Native American representative.

And finally, this storyteller (man with white beard in the center) was so animated that the audience was hanging on to his every word!

We didn't even finish the complete fest. We were all cold, I couldn't walk much farther, and Lily was just about at her breaking point. We called it a day and headed home.

What a fun day!


  1. i would have loved the story teller...and the cider...yum!!! great pics pat

  2. It does look like a fun day..I can just smell those apples being made into cider.Great pitures, Pat. I enjoyed going to the fest..

  3. These photos are wonderful, you must have had a great time here Pat. I would have enjoyed this very much.

  4. a story teller, cider and a cute pig I would so have loved this :)

  5. Even though it was tiring and cold, it's pretty neat to go to an event that has so much to do that it leaves you wanting more even when you have to leave.

  6. I'm once again struck by what a beautiful little girl Lily is.

    Your photos look a lot like a farm here in Oregon where one can do similar activities, Philip Foster Farm.

    Wonder if it's on google...

  7. Love the old way of doing the apples...and that pig...he is something else. Super duper pics this week. genie

  8. Looks like lots of fun, reminds me of Little House in the Prairie books.


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