
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

As a continuation from last week's post, these photos are still from the Autumn Festival at the Nature Preserve. One part of the preserve is the Heritage Farm, which is set up like a farm back in the 1880's. It is a working farm that raises their own crops and they have cows, pigs and horses.

This is the root/storm cellar by the farm house. What's inside are things in a row!

Rows of pickles, peppers, carrots, applesauce and jams.

Rows of canned goods, although I'm sure these are just for show as they look pretty old by the design on the cans!

The same goes with these bottles. Some were empty, some had liquid in them, but I'm sure it was just to show that it COULD be a wine cellar, too.

In the barn I found bundles of wheat. (Don't know if that is the correct term!)

This is a thresher. It separates the wheat from the chaff. The farmer would feed the wheat into the back (where the man is standing) and the machine would separate the grain, which would then fall out of the little chute, which is right above the "A" on my marking of A View from the Edge. There is a big belt that goes around that wheel next to the man and runs all the way back to connect to the treadmill behind it.

Look at all those wheels on this treadmill.

Here is a picture of the complete treadmill.  They would lead their horse onto the treadmill and have it walk. You can see the "conveyor" belt system, so the "bottom" is always moving, thus turning the large wheel which turns the large band and then turns the wheel on the thresher. No electricity needed!

Feeding trough to put hay in to feed horses and cows.

Corn stalks for sale!

And finally, we wandered over to another part of the festival. I think it was called something like Early Settlers. There were a lot of fun activities going on. I spied these pine cones hanging.

So, my children, I'm waiting.....hit me with your best shot! (How did this city girl do - explaining the old farm equipment?)


  1. You got some great pictures, Pat. I love looking at old machinery/equipment. There is an old mill near where I live ... I would wander round there every weekend if I had my

  2. nice...what a neat place....they are ready for the zombie apocalypse it thresher as well....we used to can all the time growing up

  3. I like this museum, Pat!!! Of course a lot of credit is due the photographer also. You did really good. I would like to go there someday. I really enjoyed your post too.

    And yes, those are bundles of Wheat although by the courseness of the stalks they might really be bundles of Oats.

    They are also called Sheaves, like the old church song, "Bringing in the Sheaves."

    Grandpa had the 'comunity threshing machine'. Most of the farmers got together in the late summer to thresh the grain. First they all would have cut and 'bundled' their oats. Grandpa and the crew moved from farm to farm until all of the threshing was done.

    Now it is all, the cutting, skip the bundling, and threshing, done in combination out in the field with the modern self propelled 'Combine' machine.

    Our horses were hitched to a turnstile and walked round and round to drive the drive shaft powered machines. We used a tractor to power the belt driven, such as the threshing machine. Grandpa was one of the few farmers around with a tractor, most, including Dad, used horses.

  4. Great finds! Where are all the roots? Oh! On the top of my head!

  5. interesting place
    the thresher is a work of art!

  6. I'll bet those jellies and jams are delicious!

  7. You did a good job! That equipment is old time...and that trough for the cows....gosh, you don't see that any more.

  8. You did a great job. This was a fancy farm. We had to thresh the wheat by hand. This is a wonderful invemtion.

    I have a lot of those green/blue canning jars.

    You went to a farm this week and I went to the big city. I know I was more lost than you.

    Great rows.

  9. these are awesome. You have a great eye, findind rows that most would not :)

  10. This must be an especially nice and well kept farm. Your pictures are great. Love the first one of the root cellar. You do not see many of these anymore around here. Quite a fine thresher. genie

  11. Lovely collection of photos. Your shots of the root cellar reminds me of the one in the house I grew up in. I still see lots of those slanted cellar doors in our area as well.

  12. That sled is lovely. And I wouldn't mind a root cellar at all--just perfect storage space!


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