
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

Still keeping the theme of Scottsdale, AZ, here are some galloping horses.

I loved these balconies filled with potted plants.

This next one isn't the greatest picture, but it was a quick shot taken through a plate glass window! Sometimes stores can be fussy! I blew this photo up to see the price - $480! Yikes! Scottsdale is VERY artsy-fartsy!

And finally, I think this can count. My friend WORE this in Scottsdale!

Did you find any interesting rows this week?


  1. The galloping horse are great, but I wouldn't pay that much for the others. I never thought of a coat (?) being the object for things in a row. You have terrific imagination.

  2. Love those pictures - the statues are gorgeous.

  3. nice..they remind me of the horse statue at los colinas, tx

  4. Love the first photo ! Have a good day !

  5. Need I mention my two favorite rows?? Every row a beauty!

  6. Hi Pat :) ~~ Nice rows as usual. Of course you are the expert here and we all are in training so we always expect your nice ones.

    My favorites are the horses with the top one being IT! That said I am partial to horses even having ridden a horse to high school for my first two years.

  7. I always like your choices for things in a row. I keep meaning to participate, but I keep forgetting. I've got the photos - just got to figure out how to remind myself what day it is.

  8. Scottsdale looks lovely, we always go through AZ on I40, I would like to go a different way just once.

  9. That last one is the most adorable thing I've ever seen!


  10. Great pictures, love them all. Love your things in a row posts and have been wanting to join for awhile! tonight I finally got home in time to participate but I think I entered the title wrong, oh well, next time... ;)

  11. My Mom loves horses. She'd love those galloping ones.


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