
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why I've Been a Bad Fellow Blogger

First off, I'd like to welcome all the new followers I have! Yahoo! Thanks so much for hopping aboard this crazy train!

Secondly, I'd like to apologize for being a bad fellow blogger and not commenting so much (or at all) on your posts. I am WAY BEHIND on that! I am struggling to find time to get my OWN posts up! I agreed to a HUGE undertaking at this resort/park where we stay for the winter. I was asked by the Activities Director,

"Take pictures of all the groups."

Now, that may not sound bad, but in reality? I've spent the last three weeks running or bicycling around to all the events and snapping pictures. This park averages about TWENTY events a DAY! Our park has 1,500 sites and is made up of 3 parks: Val Vista, Fiesta, and Ranchos. But they all fall under the parent name of Val Vista Village.

Here's an example of MONDAY'S schedule:

Social/Party Bridge
Ladies Bible Study
Mex. Train Dominoes (VVV)
Beginning Line Dance
Village Charity Quilters
Men's Billards
Karaoke w/Cliff
Joyfull Sounds Pract.
Choraliers Pract.
Harmonaires Pract.
Tai Chi
Mexican Train Dominoes (Fiesta)
Low Impact Aerobics
Red Hats
Aquatic Exercise
Water Vollyball
Early Risers Water Aerobics
Water Aerobics
Tap Dancing
Aqua Guys and Gals
Bocce Ball

Whew! Do you feel my pain? I've taken over 1000 photos in three weeks! I try to get a "group" shot, then some action shots. The group shot is going into a pictorial book that is being printed for the park; the actions shots (I'm selecting 3-4 of each group) are going into a slide show. So...this project has literally CONSUMED me. I've had to set my alarm to get up early to catch some of the early water aerobic classes. (I'm a night owl!)

The plus side of doing this project is that I have learned about so many activities here in the park that I wasn't aware of at all. Sometimes I would just walk through the clubhouse and peek in the different rooms. If I saw an activity going I, I'd walk in, ask what it was, and snap pictures. One evening I saw two tables of people working with their hands, using small tools. I walked in and said, "Hi! Are you making jewelry?"

A man answered, "Hardly. We're fly fishing!" They were making lures!

Oops! My bad! He was kind enough not to kick me out and I took a few pictures!

I am amazed at how many people are out after dark.


If Jim and I don't have any plans - like happy hour somewhere, a dance, etc., we are tucked into our trailer.

Obviously, not about 30% of the rest of the park!  Nope! They are out playing cards, dominoes, bingo, line dancing, whatever!

I met a man last week - never saw him before in the park - but since I started taking photos have seen him at least 5 times. He told me that he plays cards 10 times a week! He said, "It keeps my brain sharp!"

I would think so! Just keeping the SCHEDULE straight would be hard!

I have met a lot of nice people through doing this.

The negative side of doing this project is that I am exhausted, I'm stressed to finish it, AND I had three people yell at me. I know. I can't let these people spoil it for the rest of the nice people.

I STILL have a few more pictures to take, but I am now mostly in the editing stages.

So, please bare with me.



  1. Hey life gets busy , I am sure all bloggers understand , at least they should lol ! Just a heads up Google Friend Connect will be no more by the end of March here is a link to tell you all about it ! I have hooked up with Linky so that I have some form and way to stay with followers ! Have a great day !

  2. OMG Pat, I wonder you found the time to write this post. Sounds like you did a grand job with the camera. Apart from feeling exhausted I hope you had fun doing it.

  3. are all over the place...if that is just one day, i dont know that i could handle to see you when i see you....smiles...

  4. Wow! That sounds like a huge amount of work!

  5. I find it hard to comment on every blog that I follow for everypost, tho I do read all of them, usually on Saturday or Sunday. It is hard to comment on Every post, but I usually have time to comment on at least one post for one blogger for the week, especially if I get behind.

  6. That is quite a schedule!! Hi! I'm Kristina, and I'm a new follower =) I fell in love with all your pictures and would love to someday travel the world like you! For now I'm a 31 year old working mother of a very busy 4 year old boy and I know that life gets crazy so, I don't get to post everyday and don't usually comment on all the blogs I read. So we understand =) I'm glad I found you!

  7. YEOWWWWW! Is this a one time thing or for the whole winter???? Sounds like you could use a few clones! :)

    That list of activities is really something. Sounds like a boatload of fun with something for everyone--making fly fishing lures? Wow! I mean everything! :)

    Sorry I have been a bad blogger and not actually been participating in Thursdays things in a row as much as I would like. I got some great ones last week and then forgot to post, so I will post this week! LOL

    You go girl!

  8. You have been a very busy lady!!! Those of us at VVV really appreciate your dedication and love to see all your photos!!!

  9. You must be doing a great job as I know you do on your own photos and blog. It will be nice to have the finished product.
    It's kind of like writing. I wish I had written at the end of the day when I did nothing but sit and watch tv.
    Not too many of those days, however.
    Best always,
    We know where we can find you when you're not visiting our blogs so don't beat yourself up. We can only do so much in one day.

  10. Wow! Sounds like a major project! I hope you're being compensated!

  11. wow - you have been really busy! you've made me tired reading about it!

  12. Gosh -- made me tired just to read that list ;>) (we've been in AZ parks before and I know how active y'all are, but can't imagine trying to get to every one of the activities like you're doing -- way to go!). Everybody has times when they can't keep up with comments etc. Don't stress about ti!

  13. We got your back girl....nice of you to use your talents taking pictures for the park....I am also behind in my visiting...we are working on our back patio again...and with the weather getting nicer, there seems to be so much to do when it is more pleasant to be out of doors.

  14. I think the park picked a great person for the job!

    I get bogged down by all my jobs and have trouble finding a regular blogging schedule, so I completely understand where you are coming from.

  15. First...Never, ever volunteer for anything. You are retired!!! But I am proud of you for this huge undertaking.

  16. I think we can all relate to busy.

  17. As a fellow night owl I feel your pain. That is one busy place, twenty events in one day just boggles my mind.

    I haven't been a good blogger either, outside activities have been taking me away too. Oh well, it gives us great stories for future post.

    And those folks who yelled at you, shame on them.

  18. Hiya Pat.
    You sound busy! Same w/ me... I hardly post or visit these days. Hope you're having fun & livin' life... that's what it's all about. :)

  19. Who said retirement would be boring???
    Good Luck.

  20. I think we took a tour here once. Around Phoenix somewhere?
    That sounds like too much work!

  21. I am the last one to criticize you not being there as often. We have gotten a bit caught up in our projects on our weekends. Extra activities do cut into blogging time. I am looking forward to seeing all the park activities. I know it was a good sized camping area - - - but you have your own little village there!


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?