
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas Gifts - Part Three

Guess what? There are only 47 shopping days left till Christmas!

But there's no need to panic - yet! Because Snooky Bing-a-ling, a.k.a. ME, has been doing her homework. Just look at all the goodies I have dug up for you!

Tape Measure Mat(

Wouldn't this be a great idea for the handy man or the seamstress? This awesome mat would look cute in front of the workbench OR a sewing machine!

Photo Rubik's Cube(

Now this would be an ideal gift for that person who loves to fiddle with things, and was a fan of the original "Rubik's Cube". Think how fun it would be to have the pictures all mixed up and have to sort them out!

Tuna Fish Sleeping bag(

Got a camper in the family? How about a boy scout or girl scout? They'd be a HIT at their camp out with this sleeping bag! And don't worry, it DOESN'T smell!

teacup cupcakes(

Isn't this just adorable? You can bake cupcakes in these teacups! For the person who has everything AND loves to bake!

candy cane shot glasses(

I just love these! Edible shot glasses! It can't get better than this! Take a shot - then take a bite! And their cheap, too! Great grab bag gifts!

shoot a brew cooler(

Now this is a LITTLE BIT extravagant, but boy would YOU be the hit of the party! Or your hubby! This cooler tosses beer cans by remote control! Seriously! Watch the short video below!

Peanut Butter & Jelly Pocket Protector (

We all know some geeks who still use pocket protectors, right? Why not add a little humor to their life by giving them a pocket protector that looks like a SANDWICH? It fits into a pocket, can still hold pencils, pens, etc., but will get the co-workers wondering if the geek lost his/her marbles! Oh what fun!

Finger Drums(

Know someone who is constantly rat-a-tat-tatting with their fingers on the table, their legs, wherever, constantly? They never quite fulfilled their dreams to be in a band? Well, here's the perfect gift! A set of drums - but not the expensive ones - just ones for their fingers! These are nice and portable so the "finger drummer" can take them ANYWHERE!

Smoking Mittens(

With the "NO SMOKING" laws passed in just about every state, the poor puffers are forced to smoke their butts outside no matter what the weather. Protect your loved one's hands this winter while they're out hacking up a lung, and buy them this smoker's mitten. It's ambidextrous -  it works on either hand!

Racing Grannies(

Don't know what to buy your Grandma or Grandpa in the nursing home this holiday? I have the PERFECT gift! Why not get them these Racing Grannies? Just think of the fun they can stir up at the ole home! Why, they can even draw numbers on these old biddies' backs and take bets. Maybe your grandparents can bring in enough money to pay for their OWN care!


This is one of my favorite gifts! I love me a nice, evenly cooked, brown marshmallow! Look at this folks! This contraption spins the marshmallow for you - that's all you have to do is hold the stick over the fire! How hard is that? No more flaming balls of fire! This would make a great gift for all the campers in your life.

schwetty balls (

Got golfers? Or should I say, male golfers? Then they need 'em some Schwetty balls! 

This has got to be a take off of that great skit from Saturday Night Life. It's a little raunchy, but hysterical. Watch it if you dare.

snow in a can(http://www.perpetualkid...ow-instant-in-a-can.aspx)

Do you know someone who lives in a warmer climate where it doesn't snow? Would they like a white Christmas? Well, now you can give it to them! That's right! Here it is! The first ever! Snow in a Can! Ta Da! I have no idea how it works.....there some magic chemicals in a bag, pour it in the can, just add water, and then you have snow!

maybe you touched your genitals hand sanitizer(http://www.perpetualkid...tals-hand-sanitizer.aspx)

This is an excellent gift for that special co-worker who you know doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom. You know the one, but you don't have the nerve to say anything to them? Well, here's your way out. Just give them this gift! Your welcome!

Now get busy, people! Snooky Bing-a-ling has given you a plethora of gift ideas today and here and here! So there are no excuses for not knowing what to buy the peeps on your list! (The link button was not working for some reason - that's why I had to type the whole dang thing out!)


  1. Your so bad. I love you.

    Have seen that SNL skit a few times and its delicious every time.

    I like the pocket-protector, that's just good clean fun!

  2. between the cupcake cups and the shoot a brew, I would be in heaven;)

  3. christmas list DONE! Thanx friend,lol

  4. I love the shot glasses and I do not even drink! LOL
    I love your new header!

  5. i love the shot glass! it would be delish with hot (not too hot) chocolate in it. the hand sanitizer is hysterical. i use a paper towel to grab the handle on the door at work. i've seen too many women leave without washing. gross.

  6. What an absolute hoot. You've did good, girl!
    Love all the gift ideas. Very funny.

  7. Wow, those are great gift ideas, most for year-round silliness and fun. I especially liked the Shoot-a-Brew, and naturally, I've always been a HUGE fan of schwetty balls.

  8. you found some pretty cool stuff this time around...the cup cake holder tea cups are cool....

  9. My husband and I watched a local news story last week about the man who invited that cooler. He lives in my state. We ended up figuring you shouldn't drink too may of the beers stored inside if you wanted to avoid taking a can straight between the eyes after a few too many. Then we sort of choked on the cost of it! It is, however, a genius idea.

  10. There are LESS than 47 shopping days left to Christmas . . . . those are some unique gifts though.

  11. The shot glass is so cool. How many are you going to be sending me for Christmas?

  12. Ha ha! Great post. I love my schwetty balls. I have to keep them on ice sometimes to keep them fresh.

    THat marshmallow thing kicks butt too. I can't tell you how many times I've needed one of those.

  13. You had me at the beer tosser! I thought the guy in the pink shirt was going to get in line for another brew, but no, he went to the barby.

    Don't you just love Alec Baldwin, and where he is today, still laughing at himself and making us laugh too? (Besides writing columns for Huffington Post ...)

  14. Oh, Pat, you make me giggle every time I come here. For me the favourites on your list have got to be shoot a brew, smoker's glove, and racing grannies... the last one for me to remind me of days gone by ... grins.

  15. You always find the best gifts possible, Snooky is a classy shopper.

    I love that beer cooler, but I wonder if you open the beer too soon would it fizz all over you? The instant snow would be a perfect gift for someone down south, we have our own snow all over the lawn right now with no cans involved.


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