
Friday, November 19, 2010

Things in a row - L thru W

Back by popular demand! Pictures of "THINGS IN A ROW"!

First up - lamp posts

Who doesn't love a marching band? Look at all those legs in a row!

How about some metal tulips? You may not be able to smell them, but you can admire their beauty!

These little beauties are mini steak and cheese sliders. Don't they look cute all in a row on the plate? And YES, they tasted as good as they looked!

How about some motorcycles? True, this is nothing like STURGIS, SD, perhaps, but they still caught my eye, sitting there in a row, all inviting, just begging to be ridden!

Raise your hand if you remember these old milk bottles!

How about rows and rows of blossoming peach trees against a blue Arizona sky?

Looks like a table to seat an army? Close - it was my niece's outdoor wedding. We were just praying for those clouds to disappear!

Baa, baa black white sheep, have you any wool? Sorry, looks like they just got shaved!

Stadium Seats at the Chicago Cubs Spring Facility - Hohokam Field, Mesa, AZ.

Stairway to heaven? Sometimes on a hike, I just can't seem to lift my leg up one more rung in a row!

I wonder what gossip is traveling down these telephone wires?

Look at all those ties hanging from the rafters! This is taken at Pinnacle Peak Restaurant in Scottsdale, AZ, where the waiters cut your tie off if you should dare wear one in the restaurant!

I bet these trucks will be busy this next month!

Wind turbines doing what they do best.

Red, or do you prefer white?

Hope you enjoyed this installment of "Things in a Row". I might start a meme for "Thursday's Things in a Row" if I think enough people would be interested. You game?


  1. I love your pictures! You should get a chuckle here: I was looking at the pics and scrolling and came to the one with the steak and cheese sliders. Or so I thought. I was looking at the metal tulips and trying to figure out how they were on a plate and finally decided you were messing with me, then came to the next picture and realized I had missed the caption for the metal tulips. School is messing with my head....

  2. Brilliant...I must say the wine pic was wonderful :)

  3. great pictures! love the ties...

  4. The symmetry is fun and the repetition of repeated objects does not seem redundant but rather is artistic! Thanks for taking time to give us another interesting post.

  5. very cool...i like teh windmills personally...

  6. I always like your in line photos...wonderful :)

  7. What a cool idea! Yes, I remember those milk bottles. Now I will be on the lookout for things in a row, LOL!
    Have a great weekend.
    ☼ Sunny

  8. I like the windmills, they fascinate me. I still haven't got round to finding things in a row. Have a great weekend.

  9. Very creative rows, I am still trying to get my ducks in a row!

  10. Great photos. I remember an episode of Frasier where he went to a restaurant like the one pictured with his dad and they cut of his expensive tie! He was livid! I didn't know there really were places that do that! What a hoot.
    But I kept going back to those steak and cheese sliders....probably because I haven't had breakfast! lol

    Great post!

  11. I love these photos. Very soothing, would you believe. I love order and these pics certainly were "in order."
    Great photographer.
    Love hearing of your adventures. Where are you now?

  12. Love the photos!! I may have to go through our photos and see if we have shots of things "in a row"!!!

  13. You know I love things in a row!!! They fascinate me! Thanks for this great series.

  14. So many wonderful things in a row, I love them all. Those metal tulips are fascinating.

    I really like all the ties. I wonder how many people wear one inside just to get it cut off and hung from the rafters.


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