
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Signs - Standing on the Corner

In keeping with The Eagles theme, here's a photo I took at the corner in Winslow, Arizona. The town cashed in on the line "Standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona" in the Eagles song, "Take It Easy". The main part of town is basically one street with two gift shops. This display is on the corner, with the song "Take it Easy" blaring from speakers from the gift shop.

For more signs, please visit Lesley here.


  1. ha. cool statue to symbolize the i will be singing it all day...smiles.

  2. Well, I got that one right away! Cool!

  3. Very clever of the owners Bet their signage and music has paid off.

  4. Thanks for the ear worm ( at least I like the song). As soon as we drove through that town last time we wintered inAZ, I said oh no I should have got a picture of the corner. But I didn't beg bill to turn around!

  5. Well, whaddya know, I never knew there was such a place as Winslow, Arizona!

  6. I love the Bald Eagle on the window ledge!


  7. You've got me humming that song, Pat. love the statue, too.

  8. I'm guessing the girl in the window is 'the girl in the flatbed ford slowing down to look at me' and in the upstairs window 'the lover who won't blow my cover'. The eagle is a sweet touch too.
    You should have stopped and had your picture taken under the sign. :)

  9. So now we all have that song stuck in our heads...

  10. Love the Eagles. Love that song. Great photo!


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