
Monday, July 1, 2013

Blog Break

Have a great 4th of July!


  1. My family and I will miss you, especially the Friday Funnies! We love them and I email them to them. I even dreamed last night that I was telling the religious granny from this last Friday! Fancy dreaming it! It was just hilarious! I don't know what the dream meant for me!
    Enjoy your break, I hope it isn't for a serious problem, just for a happy break! So, Pat, take care and mind which bumper stickers you buy! Mrs A

  2. Hope this is merely a summer break, Pat. Enjoy your time away.

  3. So mysterious you are. I hope you enjoy whatever it is you are doing!

  4. Happy 4th of July!!!! come back soon!

  5. I hope it's an enjoyable restful break. You know we want to see you back!

  6. Thanks for letting us know. Hope to see you soon after a nice break.

  7. Enjoy! Hope you are sitting and relaxing in a lovely sitting area like the one at your sister's depicted in your header! As long as you are well and healthy we're all good! :)

  8. Pat, you always have the "coolest" pictures at the beginnings of your blogs! Enjoy the break.....take advantage of your time "away", but don"t forget to come back !

  9. hi pat, first off, your backyard looks like an oasis! love your header.

    enjoy your break! have fun!
    happy 4th of july!
    and DON'T FORGET to come back!!

    big hugs

  10. Happy Break! Just want you to know I love your new header!+


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?