
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Signs - Warning!

I saw this sign at one of the national parks in Utah; sorry I can't remember which one; we visited a lot of them within a month. This sign made me laugh. First off, COMMON SENSE, PEOPLE!! Secondly, as if anyone would be out in an electrical storm viewing the sights! Duh!

Sign reads, "Warning Do Not Stand at View Points During Electrical Storms"

For more fun signs, visit Lesley here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh I don't know, Pat, there are some crazy people in the world.

  3. ha. i wonder how many fried people it took to figure that one out...smiles.

  4. I like it!

    I actually drove to my husband's work, maybe a quarter of a mile, to pick him up at lunch the other day due to a severe thunderstorm.

  5. Signs like that are usually created after someone did exactly that. Many, many people just don't have the common sense that would negate the need for that sign. :-)

  6. You KNOW it was put there after some fool was doing just THAT!!! Common sense is not that common after all. :)

  7. I would like to stand there during a tornado instead. I can do that, right?

  8. Probably the people out there at the wrong time are the same ones who get too close to a waterfall - - - when there are danger signs posted. They should give reading tests before some are allowed in dangerous places?!!

  9. Those signs are there at the suggestion of the their lawyers. In this super litigious society, people could sue and say, 'no one told us we couldn't stand there during a storm!' That's why you see 'serving suggestion' written on, for example, a bag of croutons, to keep people from demanding money back because the lettuce wasn't inside the bag too.

  10. Good one! I think common sense disappeared around the same time as the milkman.

  11. There are an awful lot of idiots out there.

  12. I have met a few people that would NEED a sign.

  13. I wouldn't need a sign to tell me to leave! ;-))

  14. It's like all those warning labels out there--there are idiots who tried it and sued. Now to cover butts, we must warn people not to become Darwin Award recipients.

  15. If there was an electrical storm I wouldn't be standing around reading signs. But there are some folks who still wouldn't move.

  16. would someone who needed such a sign actually know what an electrical storm was?

  17. I find the use of 'electrical storm' a bit odd. Gerald has a point, I think!

  18. We have amassed quite a collection of "CYA" signs over the years, but they still make me scratch my head ! As you say...honestly people!

    Re. your post below, I have gone to Feedly and am getting used to it, so I can find you! Hope it's mutual.

    And hope you had a wonderful 4th. I'm her ecatching up on my favs during nap time between picnic and fireworks!


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?