
Saturday, April 20, 2013

"R" is for Ringing Rocks

My husband, Jim, and I traveled this great country of ours for SEVEN years in our RV. We saw many wonderful sights, visited famous and not so famous cities, and wandered through many a National Park. I have blogged through all our travels. I've stumbled upon the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2013". I decided to jump on board this crazy train and share with all of you places I have seen in my travels.

Day 18 "Blogging from A-Z Challenge"!

is for Ringing Rocks

Eighteen miles East of Butte, Montana is a huge pile of rocks that "ring" when you tap them with a hammer. It is believed that the ringing is caused by the composition of the rock and the way the joining patterns have developed as they have eroded. What is funny is that if a rock is removed from the pile - it will no longer ring! (cited)

We stumbled upon this phenomenon thanks to the campground where we stayed outside of Butte. The owners of the campground suggested that we visit Ringing Rocks. 

It is definitely off the beaten path! 

In fact, the road cut across a farmer's land where I fell in love with this cow with a heart on it's head.

The road we traveled....

We had to drive for about 20 minutes and I was just about thinking we were going the wrong way. Then, finally, we saw this sign!

This is Jim hammering away on the rocks.

Now, if you promise me you won't laugh.....pinkie swear? You can view this video of Jim hitting the rocks. Just skip over the first part where there is a little discussion (ahem) about me not knowing how to run the video camera and Jim letting out a big sigh. That's the first 5 seconds. You can go to YouTube for more exciting videos of people hitting the rocks at Ringing Rock.

 As always, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fascinating, Pat. I liked the rock Jim found with the melodious ring.

  2. Oh I wish I'd known about this place when we made our trip east in 2011. We stayed the night in Butte! Remember Our Lady of the Rockies above town?

  3. That is so cool! Did you just happen to have a hammer with you? :)

  4. Nice music in the rocks and afterwards on the dance floor.

  5. Love these pictures, especially the cow!! Thanks for coming by my blog this morning and for your sweet comments as well!

  6. I have never heard of these! Even though we've been through Montana bazillion times. Well ten anyway. Great post.


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