
Friday, April 19, 2013

"Q" is for Queen Creek

My husband, Jim, and I traveled this great country of ours for SEVEN years in our RV. We saw many wonderful sights, visited famous and not so famous cities, and wandered through many a National Park. I have blogged through all our travels. I've stumbled upon the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2013". I decided to jump on board this crazy train and share with all of you places I have seen in my travels.

Day 17 "Blogging from A-Z Challenge"!

is for Queen Creek, AZ

Boy, I was sweating this one out, then I remembered, A Ha! We went to Queen Creek! That starts with a "Q"!  I'm glad that I am not from that town, because that sure is a tongue twister! Or is it just me? Anyway....this is a town just southeast of Phoenix.  I got a big group together to visit the Queen Creek Olive Mill.

First I ran into this guy.

He did make some snarky remark about me not being able to wear that t-shirt, but I wanted to take a picture with him anyway.

There was wine-tasting available, and also olive oil tasting. I know! Who knew?

You can actually taste the difference between the oils. This was our adorable tour guide.

The store featured, of course, different oils,



and even lunch. (Which we opted to buy elsewhere. But I heard that the food here is outstanding.) Our tour took us in the back where the olives are pressed. This olive press was brought from Italy by a man named Guido. For real.

I just loved the sign on the mill.

Don't know what language "NO TOUCHIE" is in, but it is understandable!

We were able to taste test some olives at the end of the tour.

Interesting information....

For more information on the Queen Creek Olive Mill, please click here.


  1. Those olives made my mouth water.

  2. YUM!!!!! Garlic stuffed olives! My fave!

  3. Never heard of Queen Creek or its olives. However, olives do seem to do well in a hot, mediterranean climate. Lindsay Olives in Lindsay California was one of the biggest canned olive distributers in the world, but I don't think they are in business any more. It was an olive co-op and lots of the growers took off on their own, making and selling their own olive oil. Olive oil is very much like wine in that soil and climate make a huge difference in taste. More and more boutique olive presses are going in around here.

  4. Sounds like it was a fun tour! I like really good olive oil and often dip really good sourdough bread in it! Those olives look so darn delish! Love that shirt!

  5. I know I've been terrible about commenting, but I wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying your alphabet road trip. The photos make me want to go places!


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