
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Signs - Coffee's On!

Sapp Bros. restaurants and fuel are located across the United States. We pass this one all the time on the way to my daughter's home. We have never stopped there to eat.

To see a photo taken of this sign at night, please click here. The photo is copyrighted so I could not post it. It is well worth looking at - I love the neon lighting!

Some places have actual water towers that are fashioned into coffee pots. Aren't these cute?


For more fun signs, visit Lesley here.


  1. As truckers, we love Sapp Bros.!
    I need to get in on this sign thing, Bill & I love it!

  2. Now that's a giant pot of coffee!

  3. Love your header ! Nice photos ! Cool to have it as a coffee pot never seen that before now ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  4. ha that is really cool...we have the pouring H&C coffee pot in ROanoke...its neon...pretty cool...

  5. I like that sign, it would get me to stop. They must not be this far west as I have never seen one before.

  6. I love signs that have funny shapes. THis one is really cute! Does this city have something to do with coffee?

  7. We had one in Salt Lake City. I never ate there but I stopped for gas once. I drove by it all the time, I'm just not big on eating out.

    I love the neon one too, the way it just glows in the blackness is very cool.

  8. The Sapp Brothers have a cool sign.

  9. oh i love this, seems so vintage! hope they never change it!

  10. Very cool! I love gynormous signs like this one :) That water tower is great!

  11. I love when people get creative with the ordinary! It makes life much more fun and gives us a smile. Smiles are good for our health.

  12. How cute! Don't think I've ever seen one of these...need another road trip .


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