
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Variety is the Spice of Life

Isn't that what they say? But TOO much spice causes disarray.

I'm literally talking about spices here, people!

Here are all my spices.

I tried to keep them in alphabetical order, but it wasn't easy. Plus, it was hard to see the spices in the back. The spices come in both small and large jars.

I saw this pull down spice rack at The Container Store. I LOVE this store! It has a container for everything!

I purchased two of these racks.

Then I put it on my "honey-do" list.

Here is my "honey" completing the task.

Both racks are installed. This is what I learned.

  1. I had several duplicates. Huh. I guess my alphabetical order wasn't working. Or else I was stuttering when I placed them in the cabinet.
  2. I have too many spices (according to my husband). The racks hold 18 spices each, which makes a total of 36. I had 45. I removed the duplicates and placed them beside the racks, along with the larger items.
  3. Organization makes me happy. :)

Now, what shall I make for dinner?


  1. nice....makes it convenient to have everything ordered like that...good job hubby!

  2. Organizing makes me happy too! Unfortunately I live with one of the world's most unorganized people, so it is hard to maintain!

  3. Nifty, I love all of the gadgets available in The States! Glad to see your husband is keeping up with his list! :) Danica

  4. I love getting organized! Your spice racks are perfect. Don't feel bad about having duplicates - I have loads of them, lol!!

  5. Like the looks of those spice shelves. Never been to the container store but need to go.
    I'd go out to eat after all the work of getting those shelves in order. I too have duplcates and old ones that need to be tossed.
    In fact, I'm putting that on my to do list now.
    Blessings, B

  6. Can I borrow Jim?

    Good job and looks great.

  7. Wow, if you had done this two weeks ago you could have entered the organizing challenge! Are you up for doing something in your living room?

  8. I use shelves in cupboards, Pat. It's so much easier to see what's there. You'll be okay now.

  9. Nice "racks" lol just kidding.

    But yeah those racks are cool. like the idea that they pull out like that. I dont have any spices, unless cinnamon is a spice, then I have one. =o)

  10. I love organization too, Pat!
    I put mine in a drawer in my kitchen, and i write the name of the spice on the lid/top so i can see what it is without picking it up, and i keep them in alphabetical order too.
    Happy, happy.

  11. That's one clever contraption!

  12. Okay--can't resist saying it--NICE RACK!

  13. Oh so we're planning dinner around the contents of our spice racks now? ;>)...

    Actually they're a real problem for me now that we have two "houses" (you know what I mean by that) and everything doesn't travel everywhere with us in our RV. We have spices growing old on both coasts now and they're so expensive. (It's still hard for me to remember to buy small quantities of anything.)

  14. The most organized I get with my spices is to toss them all out twice a year and buy fresh ones from the bulk store every June and again at Christmas. Some get put into small jars, some stay in the bag. I would like such a rack as yours :)

  15. My daughter got one of those, too and loves it. I have racks inside my pantry door and they are semi-alphabetized. I have started putting the dates I opened them on the outside of the container cuz it got to the point that I wondered how old some of them were.

  16. We used to have a load of spices but most of them were long passed their use up date so now we have none.

  17. This is exactly what I need. Hubby is the one in my household that 'collects' spices. I'm not sure two would be enough for us. :)
    I do wish when he bought a spice it would be the same kind of container - wouldn't that be so much easier to keep organized!

  18. My spice cabinet is a MESS! I think I'm going to have to look for one of those organizers, pretty darn handy!


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