
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

Last week I took you on a tour of my library. I'm finishing up with the pictures this week. Just a note - I never even got to the second floor of the library! That's where all the non-fiction items are, plus magazines, and many, many computers for people to use.

A view from the fiction stacks

a different view of fiction

I am an avid reader, and I can say that it is RARE if this library doesn't have a book that I want to read!

There is this wonderful fireplace in the fiction section. I'm sure it has gas logs, but it gives off a nice ambiance of warmth! We came here in April and there was still a chill in the air, so I got to experience sitting by the fire. There are about 20 cushy chairs with lamps sporadically placed between them in front of the fireplace. The chairs have a "table" that slides up and across your lap for a computer or writing desk if you should prefer to use one. Plug ins are available every few feet, and wire less is available throughout the library.

Here is a close up of that beautiful artwork of glass in a row above the fireplace.

And finally, here's LOTS of things in a row. This is the check-out line. We were lucky enough to be next in line, but sometimes there can be SEVERAL people ahead of us. There can be anywhere from 2 to 4 circulation clerks working at one time.

Even though I promised the Library Director that I wouldn't take pictures of people, I couldn't help it for this one. I don't think you'd be able to identify anyone, though, as their backs are to my camera. Whew!

What 'cha got?


  1. What a great looking library! That is certainly a great place to find things in a row and some good reading materials.

  2. Your photos have reminded me that our new library opened last week and I have not gone to check it out yet.

    This is my first time joining in your "Things in a Row" meme.

  3. Oooh Pat, I would be in my element browsing the through books in that library.

  4. nice...your library is pretty the glass art too...i def can get lost in some books....

  5. Wow, I'm impressed. What a library! great shots, too.

  6. Hey... that's my grandpa on the right there!! I'm going to sue you and the library and the internet!!

  7. What a beautiful library! The one near me is probably 1/4 of that size. And, it looks old and worn out. I love to read as well but have been using my Nook instead of borrowing books. I know I can borrow electronically from the library on my Nook so maybe it's time to renew my card.

  8. I love your ever changing header! The library views were awesome!

  9. LOVE the books...that would be heaven to me....great shots as always my friend :)

  10. I LOVE the first shot!!
    what a great sense of space
    I can smell the books

  11. You know that place sounds like heaven to me! I need to go back to your previous post and see if you put a link to that library. Will you be posting more pictures or do they have some on their site?


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?