
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Signs - Which Way?

This is a sign near the lodge and cabins where we held our family reunion. Our resort was the last one listed! Luckily there was no one behind us on the road as we ran down the whole list of resorts before finding ours at the bottom! Notice ours was the only one that was straight ahead; the rest were located to the left. Sorry the photo isn't that clear; my husband took it with my point and shoot camera while hanging out the car window!

For more signs visit Lesley here.


  1. about getting lost :)

  2. These signs make my GPS obsolete.

  3. way too much information for me....oh my...

  4. Lots of interesting/curious names. Glad you didn't have anyone waiting behind you!

    P.S., you might want to correct your linky over at the meme's not directing to your post.

  5. It reminds me of the sign on the show MASH.

  6. It would take me a while to find the name of the lodge too! Alphabetically, it ought to be at the top. Just saying! ;))

  7. this is why I prefer the old signs that were individually designed - much easier to find what you wanted.
    but it does look neat and orderly.

  8. I would be as lost as I am in the big city!

  9. I have been seeing signs like this in movies for years and love them. I wanted to make one and place it at the corner of our backyard which faces a busy street with signs pointing in the direction of my husband and my hometowns and the other places where he lived during a long career in the navy. Still can't understand why he nixed the project.


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