
Monday, April 30, 2012

So Here's What's New in My Neck of the Woods

We've been back in Illinois for three weeks. We have been busy little bees.

We had no furniture except for a kitchen table and some odds and ends. I told you earlier that I bought an oak hutch for the unbelievable price of $95! Here it is:

Goes well with my $7,000 kitchen table - as I like to say - after paying 7 years of storage to keep it!

Soooo, off to do some  furniture shopping. Yeah! Sounds like fun.

Well, not really. But, after going to five different stores, and returning to two of them, I finally found the sofa and chair I wanted. But I didn't like the fabric shown, so I special ordered the furniture. This takes 6-8 weeks. In the meantime, we have a rocking chair, desk chair, and small upholstered chair (came with the condo) in the living room. Not real comfortable to watch TV, but I only watch a few hours a night anyway, so it's okay. (We got some great deals on flat screen TV's.)  We had three honking big TVs (as in the DEPTH of the TV, not the size of the SCREEN) in storage for 7 years. We should have gotten rid of them right away. Jim brought one over to the condo - the screen was all funky so we had to toss it.

Jim finished putting the desk ensemble together and it's in the second bedroom/office, or what I call the "Man Cave". We put the second TV in there and Jim spends his time on the computer and watches TV. Now if only I could put a lock on the door from the outside and slip him meals under the door......hmmmm.......KIDDING!

We've been sleeping on one of those blow-up beds that are about 19 inches high. It really hasn't been bad. Jim has been talking about getting a "sleep number" bed for awhile now. He even wanted one in the trailer. So we ventured into a Sleep Number Bed store last weekend. It was a very different experience. We were greeted by a young, friendly woman named Marisol. She asked us some general questions, then guided us over to the first bed. She put a large tissue cover over each pillow, then told  us to lie down. If she was wearing leather and had a whip in her hand, this would have been a whole 'nother scenario, you know?

Anyway, all of a sudden she pulls up a computer screen (I didn't even notice the computer on the stand next to the bed). It had a split screen; the top was the bed with nobody on it. The bottom image had me (just a line that went up and down and was red where I need more support.) The idea is that instead of your body supporting yourself on the mattress, the mattress supports YOU. This is a great idea for someone like me who's body hurts everywhere. Marisol started pushing a button and I felt the bed moving under me and it was like "aaahhh". She had me lie on my side and the computer showed that I still had pressure by my hips. So she wanted us to try another bed. We climbed onto the next bed, and Marisol brought out a special pillow that is good for the neck. I turned over on my side, she adjusted the bed, and explained that no matter what, my spine would always be aligned using that pillow and the sleep number bed.

At that point (remember Jim? yeah, he's lying beside me) he runs his finger down my spine. I jump and turn around and look at him and say, "What are you doing?"

I'm thinking, "Is this man putting the move on me in the Sleep Number Bed Store?" Because that would be kind of kinky, hee hee.

He said, "I'm just checking to see if your spine is in line."


So about an hour later, we plunked down mucho bucks and bought a sleep number bed. It should be here in another week. It comes in 5 boxes. Marisol said that to save money, Jim could put it together instead of having someone come out and set it up. Geez, I sure hope so!

What's so funny? Jim and I are supposedly the same sleep number - 50. Ah, wedded bliss. Is this a way to know how to marry someone? If you have the same sleep number? I wonder.

Ha! The doorbell just rang and it's UPS. The mattress has arrived. TA DA!

Crap! Looks like our work is cut out for us!


  1. Wow, you HAVE been busy! What a great deal on that hutch! Your table looks like it could be an Ethan Allen. We had hotel room on Marco Island, Florida, for about about a week that had a sleep number bed so that is our only experience with it. I think that one had something wrong with it. We are due to get a new mattress soon, so perhaps it is time to do some sleep number shopping to find out if that is something we might like. :)

  2. Sounds like you have been a busy bee ! Love the hutch goes well with your table and chairs that was lucky ! Loved this post I giggled all through it ! Its fun getting new stuff for the house ! Have a good day !

  3. marrying by sleep number, ha that might be the trick...i giggled at his running his finger down your spine....hope settling in goes well...

  4. I now have a vision of the two of you on that sleep number bed in the store ........ Good luck putting it together. I would be the one reading the instructions, while he who knows everything would be putting it together and taking it apart. Somehow, there are always parts left when he is done .........

  5. The hutch was indeed an amazing bargain! I'll be anxious to hear how much hassle it is to put that bed together. I'd like to get one, but Mr. Eva has no handyman skills and is dead set against it.

  6. Your house is looking like a home. I like your table and hutch and am very excited for you about the Sleep Number Bed. I might even be jealous if I got to sleep on it! It does sound like you are settling in well. I am very happy for you!!!

  7. I've never heard of sleep number beds but, hey, I think that's just what I need. The last mattress/bed bought for me was a couple of years ago and it's never been right, yet it felt great in the shop! I adore your hutch or, as we call them, dresser. I imagine you're enjoying having more space to move round in.

  8. I love the hutch, what a great find and an awesome price!! Be sure to take lots of photos of the "bed building", I am sure you will have some tales to tell!!!

  9. Love that hutch, I can't believe you got such a fantastic bargain. It's perfect with the table.

    I'm looking at the boxes and trying to figure out how that is going to become a bed. Is must assemble by numbers too.

  10. How exciting!!!

    I knew you and Jim were the same number long ago.

    Love that china cabinet...don't forget the fun of gently used furniture.

  11. Woohoo darlin', it sure sounds like things are comin' together for ya. Soon it will be home sweet home.

    Just think how great it's gonna be to sit on your new sofa and watch a great TV then retire to your sleep number bed.

    Yep girl, if ya got the same sleep number...ya gotta be a match made in heaven for sure!!! Heeheehhee!

    Have a fantastically blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

  12. so, just for fun you can liven things up by switching sides and still be comfortable (except for being on the wrong side of the bed)!!

  13. Now that's bargain at $95! You are going to keep busy for a while yet, I would say...

  14. Oh the joy of furniture shopping! I feel your pain. Looks like you've made some good choices there...


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?