
Saturday, April 28, 2012

And the Winner is.....

The total number of post-it notes covering Dave, my son-in-law's, car, is  4,000!

I can't believe that Wendy, who's blog is called "Seriously?" guessed the EXACT amount!

Congratulations Wendy! You will receive a $20 gift certificate from Contact me with your email address, and I will send the gift certificate directly to your inbox.

Thanks to all who participated!


  1. oh wow...i was way low....

    happy saturday!

  2. Wow - - - that's a lot of "posting" and a lot of money invested in that decorating.

  3. lol - i missed the post about it. that looks so cool but took a lot of time and not too cheap, either. i would never have even come close to the correct number.

  4. Congratulations to Wendy.I would never have guessed in a hundred years.

  5. oh, I found you too late for a prize from one of my very favorite on-line sites!
    thank you so much for the kind words on my blog!

  6. I love reading your blog because I never know what I'll find here. Always something interesting, amusing, sometimes down right hilarious, as in the post its on Dave's truck.
    I'm happy you've found a new home and hope it's possible that you can make it to Az for a few weeks in the winter. I like a more permanent place and think we woemn often like to put down roots. However just enjoy whatever it is you are doing. AND I feel you do just that. Thanks for stopping by my blog. So glad to see your post there. Best always to you and hubs, Barb
    author of VADA FAITH

  7. Wow! Thank you so much Pat! Can't believe i guessed correctly. =-)


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?