
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

Today's theme for things in a row is quilts. Yesterday there was a quilt show at our park, and so many beautiful quilts were on display. We have a LOT of talented people here!

I saw stitches, patterns, colors, etc. in a row. See for yourself!

These are just a mere sampling of the over 100 quilts that were in the show. Aren't they beautiful?

What did you find in a row this week?


  1. They are all very beautiful! I was trying to decide which one I liked the best but I couldn't, I love them all!

  2. Those are very pretty quilts, Pat. I like the one with purple and then the one at the bottom looking like an antique as my favorites.
    I would not turn any down as a present.

    Are you soon to take up quilting? I am thinking those ladies could get you goint pretty fast on it.

  3. These are all beautiful! I wouldn't mind having the third one (or any of the others) hanging on my wall.

  4. Fabulous. I do admire people who dedicate their time to making these wonderful quilts.

  5. oh wow some pretty amazing and intricate designs....just lovely pat.

  6. Well, Pat, my link won't work so I guess this week, I'm left in the dirt!

    Says I'm there and won't let me correct it. My typing's so bad Linky rejected it.

  7. Several hours ago I posted some quilts of mine which are linear in their formation.Then I came here and entered the info into Linky. It told me the post had been taken and uploaded, but it was not there. I waited 30 more minutes or so and tried again. That time Linky told me there was already an entry for my blog: I just now checked it a third time and there is nothing there, but I do see where the “At The Farm” was entered twice. Since this is my first time to your meme I thought I might well be doing something wrong. genie

  8. There is a wealth of talent in your park! These quilts are gorgeous! Love the vibrant colors!

  9. Beautiful quilts! They are works of art.

  10. those are just beautiful! those are definitely works of art.

  11. Lots of nice artistic work put in to these quilts!

  12. they're all beautiful
    I really like the 3rd one, it's like stained glass

  13. BEAUTIFUL! It must have been difficult to limit yourself to these few. Quilters seem to have been gifted with an eye for coordinating colors.

  14. Hi Pat,
    I see you've been very busy.
    Love the quilts!
    I'm assuming a lot of these are from folks who live in trailers like you do and I wonder how they have room to quilt. :)


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?