
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Signs - Do Not Touch - or ANYTHING ELSE!

I thought this was only appropriate, on the last day of the "Love Month", LEAP DAY, at that, ha ha!

Unfortunately, I can NOT take credit for this sign, but thought it was a great one to post! For more signs, please visit Lesley here.

ATTENTION: Tomorrow is the day the "followers" will disappear from Google Friends Connect (the way I understand it). To follow my blog, please click the new widget "Follow Me". You can do the same with your blog. Go to for more information. I've yet to figure out how to manage all the blogs I follow, but if YOU have that widget, I can just click it and then follow because I already have a free account with linkyfollowers. If anyone has done this and can give us more advice, please do so in the comments! Thanks! Pat


  1. Wow! What a sign!

    The "followers" thing has me so darn confused! Ugh!

    Thanks for the tip. I'm going to go check out the Linky site!

  2. Funny sign!! I'm confused on the friend thing too. Guess I'll put all the blogs I follow on my sidebar - at least until I find out if my following list is going to be affected. Wouldn't you think Blogger could have done a better job of advising us on this.

  3. Okay after further research, I've discovered that the following friend connect will only disappear on non-blogger sites. For those of us using the blogger format it will remain the same.

  4. that's a relief, no mounting the exhibits!

  5. wow...umm....haha
    that it is needed is a little scary...

  6. The creepy thing about that sign was that it was at that exhibit of dead, visible, plastic people (come to think of it, did I really need to say 'dead'?).

  7. say what? i have no idea what's going on with blogger and the change. what's up? i'd hate to lose all my connections.

    love the sign, though!

  8. I'm not even sure google know what they are going to do next. Last week they forced me to switch to Chrome, by not allowing the interface with IE to work anymore. So, we'll see.

  9. Great sign! I used to live near that museum in NYC. I never licked the sign or exhibits, only the windows!

  10. Great sign!!!

    Flicker is gone too and that is where I placed words on my blog headers...oh, what do I do now???

  11. Pat, I like your new header picture. I'm wondering if those trees and the land has been tilted in the picture after it was taken. Or maybe the camera was not straight with the world?
    The trees aren't growing up like I'd think they should be.

    I think I like your new template also but again not sure. I like wide columns but they are hard to find.
    Flicker gone?(!!!!!!)
    Google Chrome?(!!!!!)

    I never have figured out what Google gets out of having a free Blogger. There is no requirement for ads or anything. FaceBook doesn't run this way to stay free.

    When we download one thing then other things like tool bars and new browsers come awfully easy by not UNCHECKING the little boxes that say give me this or give me that.

  12. Woops, the the template changed again. From lefty to righty. :)
    And a beautiful Grand Canyon picture.

  13. Things that make you go, Hmmmm...

  14. beautiful header picture by the way :)

  15. i wonder what is being shown in this museum.:p is there a 'no perverts allowed' sign here, too? LOL

  16. Looking at the reflections in the window, I'm going to say that sign was most likely not photographed in Arizona. ;-)

  17. I never even knew there was a museum of sex.


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