
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday's Things in a Row

If it's Thursday it must be one of two things: wash day or Things in a Row day.

On a recent trip to the laundromat, which was on a Thursday, I found several things in a row.

Top loading washers:

Front loading washers:


and dryers:

So, yeah, that was a little boring. Yawn. I decided to take a walk outside to see what I could find.

The first thing I saw was this crazy looking tree, or what was ONCE a tree.

Now I ask you, why would ANYONE save this? Wouldn't you cut this down? What an eyesore! And what was really funny was seeing a squirrel running down the tree! He stood out like a sore thumb! I was sorry to have missed the shot!

Just across the street and down the block I found all these lamp posts standing in a row.

I guess there's more things in a row in the above photo - plants around each lamp post, striped parking spots, and telephone wires, jump right out at me!

In the parking lot of the laundromat I found these pretty red flowers lined up in a row against the fence, whose pickets were all lined up, you guessed it, in a row. Does anyone know the name of these flowers?

And finally, I spied these raindrops just begging to have their photo taken. Look how nicely they lined up for me on this leaf!

So maybe my laundromat Things in a Row wasn't so boring after all!

What have you got this week?


  1. Well obviously they can't cut that tree down because it a squirrel entertainment center. Can you imagine two or three squirrels racing up, down and around it?

    Those flowers are really pretty and I love the raindrops all lined up.

  2. Nice line-ups, Pat. I must admit the tree is a little weird. I wonder if new shoots will ever sprout from it.

  3. nice...i like the laundry mat watching the spin round and round...haha...that is a cool tree too...i would keep it...

  4. Fantastic rows!

    I was a little shy on rows this week.

  5. Nice photos and great selection of things in a row.

  6. That looked my fence!! The flowers ...... don't know, but I like them.

  7. I love the laundromat photos! Almost makes me wish my washer would break down!

  8. Maybe that pole is meant for climbing?

  9. Beautiful photos with delicious light. My favorite is the last.

  10. I especially liked all the raindrops on the leaf.

  11. That's the cleanest laundrymat I've ever seen. :)
    I think your flowers are Cannas.

  12. I love All of these!! Well Done!
    NOT boring!

  13. I haven't been in many laundromats but I have never been in one so clean and modern.

    I think the flowers are cannas. My mother used to grow them along the side of her place.

    You are right, the one picture has several things lined up.

  14. great photo selection of things in a row. i have to admit that is a weird tree.
    i'm sorry you missed the squirrel shot running down the tree.

  15. Maybe the tree was left as a squirrel gym! It is pretty awful looking. So is the laundromat (not really, but i just hate having to use them -- you should see our laundry bag in our little Class B on the day before we do that job.)

  16. That poor tree! There must be a reason they left it...playground for critters That is one nice laundromat! Very clean and neat! Love the raindrops shot! I missed "rows" again this past week. Hopefully I can get back on track soon.

  17. LOVE the rows!

    The tree would be cool carved into a totem don't you think?

    We did the laundry thing on Saturday (Gman and I). Tried a new one (because it had a restaurant nearby where we could snag breakfast during the dry cycle) and they had 100lb machines!!!! Yeow! Is that cool or WHAT???? Now I can do ALL of the comforters and sheets in ONE load. I am thinking I might try taking my area rug up there and putting it in one of the monsters. Can't hurt to try (I'd just have to go shopping for a NEW rug if it didn't work! Darn the luck! LOL)

    They had a bunch of 50 lb machines, tons of 30 lb machines and only top loaders. Isn't that interesting???

    Love the rain drops.

    I was going to say the red flowers looked like salvia, but probably not since TWO people thought cannas.

    Hope you are having a great time!


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