
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Bridges - A Trio of Bridges

Could you imagine having THREE bridges on your property? While visiting a friend in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, she took us to see the house of another friend. We just walked along the property as the owners weren't home, but I was able to take photos of their lovely bridges. This first one shows Lake Geneva in the background.

A small creek comes off of the lake and runs along the property; this bridge connects up to the house.

This bridge is a driveway that leads to the back of the property.

Front view

All three are gorgeous in their own way.

For more bridges, visit Louis here.


  1. I'd be afraid the lions would get me... while watching one, the other would advance on me, then when I focus my attention on HIM, the other one will go for me...

    Have you seen this bridge yet?

  2. oo i love that first one...the stone work is amazing....

  3. you know how much i love bridges, those are terrific!

    gorgeous shots! you do take them in nice angles!

    betty xx

  4. Pleasant scenes! They make me wish for summer!

  5. Beautiful. I can't imagine being so lucky having all that wonderful scenery out in my own yard.

  6. Love these photos. You could sell them. Beautiful

  7. Wow her friends have a lovely property! What a view.

  8. What a beautiful section of property! Looks like a nice place to take an afternoon walk!

  9. Each is quite unique and very beautiful. The property looks sensational and is in a wonderful location too.

  10. Superb post, Pat! The second photo is my favourite.
    Have a great week ahead:)

  11. Love the first one not a big fan of the lions. Have a great week!

  12. Beautiful set of bridges Pat! Thanks for sharing!

    Sunday Bridges

  13. Those bridges are beautiful - - - they surpass plain functionality!

  14. Oh Pat, I'd think I was living in heaven if I lived there. The whole thing, bridges and all, is wonderful.

  15. The property looks awesome. You should show us the house!

  16. How amazing to have these scenes at home. Your photos are so beautiful too, and perfectly framed. I especially love the stone bridges, and how the creek bed is stone.

  17. Those are very lovely bridges indeed. It looks like a beautiful place to live.

  18. Jeez, wouldn't that almost be enough to make you want to buy some property and get off tghe road?, but it is a really truly beautiful spot!!!

  19. Neat, Pat! A "hat trick" of Bridges!

    «Louis» works all weekend, so it is difficult for him to visit those who have contributed to Sunday Bridges on Sunday. So here it is mid-week and he's FINALLY getting around to visiting and thanking all who contributed to the meme.


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