
Monday, November 21, 2011

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Do you know that there are some people who are all ready for Christmas?

I am not one of them!

I have picked up a couple of things here and there, but that's about it. I'm just not into the season yet. Maybe it's because I don't put up ANY Christmas decorations. Sad, isn't it? And it's not because I don't WANT to, but because we don't have any with us in the trailer, and don't have any room to store them OR display them. I've flown home every year for the holidays to be with my kids, so at least I enjoy my family's decorations.

Are you planning to fight the crowds on Black Friday? It used to be fun for me, but now? Meh. I'd rather order things on line and get the free shipping.

Our Thanksgiving will be spent with an intimate little crowd of around 50 people! My good friends Carole and Sandy are sponsoring the party, and everyone is pitching in! There will be 5 turkeys, salads, vegetables, potatoes, appetizers, and desserts. Spending the holiday with a large crowd doesn't make me feel so homesick.

So are you one of those people who already have their shopping done and their presents wrapped?

Just a note: Thursday's Things in a Row will be postponed till next week!


  1. Christmas will be lean this year. I like to have a few gifts under the tree, but that's about all we'll have. We've had more than one salary cut over the past few years. Of course, being a family is the biggest gift, and my kids are old enough to appreciate that.

    As for Black Friday? There isn't a bargain in the universe good enough... no way in hell I'd save enough money to pay my bail.


  2. you could not pay me enough to go out on friday...ha...T usually does with her sister...not me...we are doing fairly well...we pick up things for the boys through the year as they go on clearance so i have a box of things...we plan on going through it tomorrow but...

  3. Ugh. I am never ready for christmas

  4. I LOVE Maxine! :)
    My neighbor is fully ready - decorations, tree up, some presents are wrapped and under the tree.
    I used to do Black Friday to get THE toy my kids wanted. My daughter will fight the crowds at the toy store Thanksgiving night while I keep my granddaughters.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. I haven't even thought about Christmas gifts yet. I don't have a lot of folks to buy for this year and most of my shopping will be done online. There is no sale price tempting enough to drag me to a Black Friday sale. No way, no how!

  6. Presents bought and cards written. No decorations for us since there are only the two of us and nobody gets to visit over Christmas. I used to decorate but suddenly it seemed such a waste of effort. Put them up, take them down, and nobody to say 'how nice'. I'm not sad though, him and me go out and have a great time.

  7. It's difficult to shop for Christmas when money is so tight. Somehow we'll get it done.

    Dinner with a crowd! It sounds like a rowdy, good time!

  8. You could not pay me enough to go out and shop on Black Friday. What little shopping I do will be online. I used to decorate, but it is too much work anymore. A little tree and a few lights is about all I will do.

  9. Haven't even started. No lights up, no presents bought. Can't seem to get myself in the mood. Black Fridays come and Black Fridays go ..... without me.

  10. I don't think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Enjoy this week's festivities!

  11. I picked up a few kiddie books when a local "big lots"-type store was selling books at a dollar a pound, but I shop on line usually too! And I never was a black friday shopper!

  12. I'm Almost finished and NONONONO to Black Friday shopping...can't stand the crowds and mean behavior of some of the shoppers...yuck!
    Happy Thanksgiving friend!

  13. Oh, my, I haven't even STARTED Christmas shopping!

    As for Black Friday, NO WAY. :-) That's my day off, thank you very much!!


  14. i have no space for decorations but I have a "charlie brown linus" tree that i'll put on our dinner table. it's cute. and lean, just like my pocket book.

    i have some things bought but not finished with 2 of the grandsons. the teenagers will get a bit of cash. not much, but some.

  15. i'm not into the xmas spirit yet i'm afraid.
    i haven't even started xmas shopping i can tell you.

  16. Ha Ha Ha,
    cute cartoon Pat! Just wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving. sounds like you have a wonderful on planned w/ your friends. I won't be w/ my family as they are 2 states away.... so I will work instead & let the day pass. lots too be thankful for, though!
    :) have a happy day.


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