
Sunday, November 6, 2011

All for the Ta-Ta's - Part Boob, I mean Two

These are the rest of the fantastic bras from the Art Bra Exhibit shown at the Women's Expo that was held at the park where I stay for the winter. If you missed Part One, click here.

"Beverly's Bra" made by my friend Rachel and dedicated to her sister-in-law, Beverly, who recently lost her life to breast cancer.
Boobie Trap
Bouncing Buds
Chicken Breast
Good & Plenty
Knockers Up
Life without a Mammogram
Look at these Puppies!
Over Easy "Yokes on You"
Sugar Tits
Texas Hold 'Em
With the $5 entry fee, we got 5 raffle tickets. Prizes were displayed all along one wall. There was a box in front of each prize. I could deposit either 1 or up to 5 tickets in the box for a drawing. I chose which prize or prizes I was interested in.

Prizes included gift baskets, picture, therapeutic pillow and more.
These quilts were also prizes. Aren't they beautiful?
I won a door prize from the Women's Expo. It was a basket filled with kitchen "stuff".

Two spatulas, flexible cutting boards, to-do-list, shopping list, tablet, pizza party music, plastic drinking bottle (not shown) plastic container for trinkets or whatever, measuring cups and spoons, and coffee.
On Saturday Night there was a Hot Pink Fundraiser Dance. It cost $5 to get in, and they encouraged everyone to wear pink. The music was provided by the local talent of our park. First off:

Roman (l) and Steve (r)

Next up, our good friend Doug, half of the group "Plan B". (The other half, David, hadn't arrived in AZ yet.) Doug can play a mean guitar!

Then E.J. took the stage. Curtis joined her in the first number. The two of them made beautiful music together!

If you could have seen this women a couple of years ago, you wouldn't believe THIS is the same person. She was in a wheel chair ALL THE TIME and was about 100 pounds heavier. Doesn't she look great?

Curtis is a GREAT entertainer. He can sing country and western, to Motown, to Elvis. And he's a wonderful guy, too!

Line dancing is a favorite at the park.

Of COURSE, it wouldn't be a dance without the DISCO BALL, right?

During the halfway point of the dance, some of the bras were brought in for those who didn't get to see them in the exhibit. But this time - they were on LIVE models.

This is our friend Don. He told us that he was embarrassed to do this, but it was for a good cause.
What a sweet tutu!

This was the big bra hanging above the door to the exhibit. I TOLD you it was big!

All of a sudden, Don doesn't seem so embarrassed, does he as he attacks our other friend, Mike.
There was a contest to see who wore the most pink. There was a tie between these three women. The man won because not only did he have a pink shirt, but also pink shorts under his pants!

(Camille, activities director all the way on the right)
Now, if you've been following my blog for awhile, and you've seen pictures of my husband, Jim, you may have noticed that he's always wearing a green shirt (or a slight variation of that color). He DOES own more than one shirt; he just likes the same KIND of shirt, and the same color. He is DULL with a capital "D" when it comes to clothes. I tried to convince him to buy a pink button down shirt for the occasion, but it was a no-go.

So this was Jim's version of "wearing pink" to the dance.

Pink napkins (that they gave out AT THE DANCE) stuffed into his pockets. DO YOU FEEL MY PAIN PEOPLE?
I have to add that Jim was NOT DRUNK in the above photo, although it looks like he is! He was sitting next to me and I asked him to move a little bit so I could take his photo. I have no idea why he cranked his head that way. Wait, did he REALLY do that, or was it just me and my camera? For it was ME who was feeling pretty darn good after guzzling a bottle of wine. Hiccup!

And so, that was my wild and fun weekend at the resort. And it's only week one. Oh boy!


  1. haha...over easy gives that tennis one a run for the moeny...great fun for a great cause...i love it...

  2. Bunch of boobs.
    Better that than a bunch of asses?


    It looks like everyone had a good time and yes, for a wonderful cause.

    I wish with all my heart to have those I've personally lost to breast cancer back.

    Go get those mammograms, oh readers of this blog!!

  3. I love the feathery ones! I may have to get crafty!

  4. The bras are great, I am amazed by all the creativity that when into this show. The 'models' are a hoot! Those guys were really great sports to dress up for a good cause.

  5. It looks like you and Jim had a fabulous time. I was going to ask if anybody actually WORE one of those creations, but I see some did. What a laugh!

  6. Did I ever mention that I love Good' n Plenty? Yum! hehe

  7. Hahaaa...cute models! And that woman must have come a Long Way! Good for Her!
    Congrats on winning that basket!!! Love it!

  8. Fun to see the hilariously creative bra collection! Congrats on winning an prize!

  9. You guys sure know how to party! Love the bra collection! Looks like a fun time.

  10. What a wonderful time and for such a good cause.

  11. LOVE the bras! How hysterical!
    (and for a good cause too...)

    My friend raises money for breast cancer each year with a team that walks in the 3 day walks here in Cleveland. Their team name is Operation Ta-ta's. Their T shirts are pink (go figure)...maybe I'll send one to you so your husband can wear it next year. Just leave it under the camper for a year, I'm sure it'll grow some green on it so he'll be comfortable in it.

    Love the post (s)!

  12. Looks like week one is off to a rousing start. :)
    I've enjoyed both of your ta-ta posts. I have to say there were quite a few unique designs.
    Such wonderful creativity for a wonderful cause.
    My Mom is a survivor. I'll have to show her these.

  13. Those were some creative people decorating those bras. You all appeared to have a great time while raising money for a good cause. You have to give Jim credit for pink creativity.

  14. Fun! All I can say about that huge bra is "well, hellooooooo dolly!!!!!"

    Oh I feel your pain all right dear! Though mine did surprise me this year by dressing up for Halloween! :) Fun!

    So, the livers are off and line not drying out anymore! LOL


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