
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday's Things in a Row

Since I got my Canon Power Shot - one of those small, point-and-shoot cameras, it's handy to keep in my purse so that I can have a camera with me at all times. I take my Nikon D40 when I am specifically going to take photos, but the little one is great when I stumble upon unexpected photos I want to take. Like for instance, a recent stop at a Menard's .......led me to find many things in a row! Okay, so maybe the people around me thought I was nuts, but, hey, I am SO used to that!

How darling are these musical crickets? Jiminy Cricket eat your heart out!
Cute water fountain, but listening to the tinkling water makes ME want to tinkle!
I'll name this Bob (middle), Pat and Pam since it was all three of our birthdays on 10/11 (My twin sister and I were born on my brother's birthday. We were his BEST birthday present. TRUE. Just ask him! SNORT!)
The Three Stooges
You'd better watch it! I've got my eye on you!

So, folks, what have YOU captured this week? (I hope not any bodies!)


  1. Loved the new header, Pat, but those eyeball lights are EERIE.

  2. Your header is stunning.

    Your things are so wonderful. I love that fountain. I LOVE the eyeball lights.

  3. Good idea for things-in-a-row! And, good idea to have a smaller camera to tote anywhere.

  4. Forgot to say....hope you had a happy birthday! That's really be a twin plus share a birthday with another sibling!

  5. I especially love those eyeballs...all Halloweenie!

  6. I always say your eye for things in a row is fabulous, now you even are seeing eyes :)

  7. What? Halloween decorations already? Oh that is right this is October. Time goes by so fast, in fact, each day goes by in a blink. The water fountain is so cute, simple lines and nice color. The eyeball string lights are hilarious.

  8. What wonderful things in a row you've portrayed today but I must confess...I'm quite smitten with your little musical ants!!! They're just too darn stinkin' cute! :o)

    God bless your day sweet Pat!

  9. Love the header! Those pumpkins kind of look like they need some Oxy 10!!!! Must be adolescents.

    Your rows are just so CUTE this week! You are kidding! You and your twin were actually born on your brother's birthday! Wow!

    Your pictures are always so clear and pretty that I wondered what kind of camera you have. Now I know. Thanks for sharing that! Your little one does a fine job too!

  10. how did you get the musical crickets to stand still long enough for that shot? smiles.

  11. Yikes! That row of eyes is going to haunt me. Thanks a lot Pat ;>)

  12. LOVE the crickets!!Hahaaaa

  13. Cute crickets in a row! Those eyeballs are very!

    I have taken to carrying my little Kodak digital in my purse for those times when I can't have or don't need my larger camera with me. I often get very strange looks when taking photos in certain places. I love it!

  14. I love the first picture. It is so cute I could die!


  15. great pictures! i love my little pocket camera, too.

  16. You have a great eye through the lens, Pat--a quality I really admire, since my photo taking skills are abysmal. Your header is an absolute work of art.

  17. Love the pictures! The eyes are strange but I'm attracted to them for some reason. I may need to buy some. :-)


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