
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Signs - I have to go potty!

I saw this sign at the recent Burgoo* Festival in Utica, IL.

Actually, this was quite a smart business move as it got people to browse through the store to get to the bathroom. I'm sure the proprietor sold a few items! Port-a-potties were available for the huge crowds, but who wouldn't want to piddle on a real potty?

* a. a thick, highly seasoned soup or stew, usually made of chicken, small game, or beef, and corn, tomatoes, and onions.
  b.a picnic or other gathering at which burgoo is served. (From except I added the word beef since our stew had beef in it!)

For more signs, join Lesley here


  1. Oh, I bet that was a very welcome sign!!
    Never heard of burgoo before, sounds an interesting festival.

  2. Interesting post lol I to have never heard of Burgoo before. Have a wonderful day.

  3. Hoping to turn them in to customers but it might mean quite a bit of extra work keeping it clean and stocked.

  4. Smart marketing to invite people in to use the facilities!

  5. ingenious person to play off a political slogan in relationship to the bathroom...smiles.

  6. very gracious. usually you see signs that says bathrooms for customers only.

  7. The opposite approach that most stores have during such an event. Hope it worked out for them!

  8. Sounds good -- I thought it would have wild game in it somehow. I must have read about that in a novel somewhere and it was made that way.

    The sign is funny and, yes, a smart business op. (We've seen signs for grocery stores and cafes in somewhat remote locations advertising 'clean toilets')

  9. I'd rather go to the real potty and buy something after I am so done! LOL!


  10. I really like the attitude here. I don't think I'll be visiting Burger King every again since they very quickly disallowed any of the protesters in NYC from using their bathrooms. So I guess McDonalds will be my choice if and when I'm indulging in fast food. BTW - I really HATE port-a-potties.

  11. It's a sign that makes a person feel welcome in their store.

  12. I agree! Who wants to piddle in a kybo???? With your face in the urinal???? I would have bought something from the store just because they were so NICE! :) And I never heard of Burgoo before, but it sounds delish!

  13. i'd buy a cup of soup to pee in a real bathroom over using a free port-a-pot any day of the week.

  14. Well, this is a one of a kinder. It makes me think of my Buddy running a 1/2 marathon and in the middle of it needing to use the restroom. He just ran into a Hardee’s, used the facilities, and kept on running. Love the sign. genie

  15. a good strategy!
    oh there's a Burgoo festival, we have Burgoo restaurants here.:p


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