
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Bridges - A Capital Bridge

We were driving on Interstate 90 through Wisconsin when we came upon this bridge. Click to enlarge to see the details. It shows a photo of the capital building, as this bridge was the exit to go to Madison, the capital of Wisconsin. The bridge looks very official, doesn't it?

For more bridges, visit Louis here.


  1. another awesome bridge :) luv it

    happy sunday my friend

  2. This is such a nice bridge. After blowing up the shot, I could see its massiveness and all that was going on around it. Quite the capture I must say. Like the idea of the Capitol seal in the center. Nice. genie

  3. I like it! The architect did a nice job designing and the workmen in interpreting the job. And then there is YOU who brought it to us! Cool!

  4. It's an elegant bridge. Very impressive.

  5. Nice bridge. Looks good and sturdy!


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