
Saturday, August 20, 2011



I said it.

Isn't the first step admitting your problem?

If I'm a hoarder of anything, it's books.

I LOVE them.

I live and breathe them.

They are like a drug to me.

I've GOT TO HAVE THEM near me.

We cart around about 60-70 paperbacks in our trailer so I can ALWAYS have a book on hand. When we are in Arizona during the winter months, we frequent the local library so we always have a bunch of books out. When we come back to Illinois to visit family, we use my son's library card so that we can take advantage of that local library.

Which happens to be where I used to work.

It's like having a druggie work at a pharmacy.

I know.

When new books were brought into circulation, they'd have a little yellow circle sticker on their binding. All these new books would make my heart go pitter-patter. I kid you not.

I'd put books on hold that I wanted to read, and when a hold came in for me (even to this day), my eyes light up like a junkie who sees his drug of choice right in front of his eyes.

Sometimes I'd have 15 books checked out at a time. I'd spread them all out on my bed and sit there, pick each one up lovingly, put it down, pick up the next one, etc. Then I'd pile them in the order in which I needed to read them according to their due date. I would have slept with them surrounding me in my bed if it weren't for the fact that, duh, I had a husband.

I keep a running list of all the books I want to read. It's on an Excel spreadsheet, listed in alphabetical order by author's last name.

I am dead serious.

I read reviews in People magazine, Good Reads, Amazon, Book Page, and I get newsletters from the library on upcoming books.

Jim isn't too bothered by my obsession since he is a voracious reader himself. But he doesn't collect books like me. But believe me, he collects a whole lot of other crap. But that's another post.

So what's your drug of choice?


  1. ha. we are peas in a pod...i hoard books for sure...have stacks by the bed...i do keep my list on amazon always updated with books i want...i feel you here...haha...

  2. I enjoy books as well but I dont collect them . I'd say my addiction is photography ! Happy reading and have a good day !

  3. I guess that makes me a whore to...I have books going all the way back to when I was seven :)

    I say as far as being a whore, a book whore isnt such a bad thing ;)

  4. love books, too. right now, i'm into collecting magazine about card making and scrapbook layouts.

  5. I'm very fond of books too, but I haven't resorted to excelling them yet. Then of course there, chocolate.

    There's a librarian whose blog I follow...she does reviews of the new books she gets in and sometimes does giveaways. The next time she posts, I'll sent you the url!

  6. I love books and I love to read... but I'm afraid I'm just not that kind of whore.


  7. I was one, but I am a reformed whore---uh book whore. When we sold the house in order to hit the road, I sold or donated most of my collections. I do have some space dedicated to books, but trade them out at campgrounds and libraries that let you trade them. I LOVE campgrounds that let you trade! :)

    I have gone mostly to MP3 books and e-pub books which I download from the library back home. They don't take up much room or add weight to the camper. :)

    I have a lot more space than I am comfortable with devoted to scrapbookking supplies. I am in the process of changing over to digital though so I can downsize the load there too.

    Oh and yes--3 pugs and 160 lb mutt. The 160 lb mutt actually picked out the camper--it has a sectional that holds all of us! and a recliner besides. They are such great companions and when a guy snuck into the camper, all he saw was black fur and white teeth! LOL Backed right out! Police escorted him out of the campground--that was in NY. I do love my little furry critters!

  8. PS--is that a Lisa Scottoline that I spy in the stack? LOVE her! :)

  9. I have piles of them too lol...but no spreadsheet,run list...guess i'm not that kind of girl hahaha

  10. I understand your love of books because I have the same obsession. I like the look, the feel and the smell of books, old and new. We had to have a clear-out the other day and it broke my heart to see some of them go, even though they went to a charity. There's nothing like getting lost in a good book.

  11. Books for me as well...and anything photography! Love all of it!
    Great title for the post!!Hahaaaaa

  12. Books, too! I took 4 with me on our trip to Arizona and finished one. Now I'm on a second one. Once school starts, however, I find that I'm too exhausted to read at night! Oh, and photography, too! I always have my camera around my neck (much to hubby's total embarrassment!)

  13. You make me feel so much better about myself. And, now with the iPad adding another to the collection is as simple as the click of a key. There is always comfort in numbers- the number of of books I have on hand and the number of us who have the disease. There is NO cure. genie

  14. Scrapbook supplies....they r taking over. What is that jen lancaster book? I just read what alice forgot by .....i cant remember. It was very good


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