
Saturday, August 13, 2011

More Ponderings by Pat

Do you really think this is going to take off?

Sounds kinky to me. Just saying........

Speaking of kinky, the other day while searching for something on the internet (I truly forgot what I was looking for after this happened), I received the infamous "404 not found" message.

Only the message came along with this photo.

What the?

And NO, I was NOT searching a porn site!

Here's another message I received. Click to enlarge.

I like how it says, "That's all we know." In other words, Too bad, so sad.

Apparently, before driving off in our truck, we have to check our windshield.  It seems to be the place for critters to hang out. Check these out.

This is a little birdie clinging to the wipers.

You've heard of "Snakes on the Plane"? How about "Snake on a Windshield"?

The Windshield - Not just for bugs anymore!


  1. I think that little bird on your windshield thought he was at an amusement park, he seems to be enjoying the ride on the wiper blade.

    I've gotten the Google message several times lately but I haven't seen that 404 message, what were you searching? :)

    Think I'll skip the Go Dog, that is odd.

  2. First let me say ... I love the new header picture.
    Never heard of go-dog buns before .... definitely kinky.
    Google's error messages, the favourite seems to be Error 503. Duh!
    I have spiders nesting behind my wing mirrors, they just won't go away. The web's are built, I knock them down, and they get rebuilt by next day.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Go Dog buns. Hmm. Disturbing in some way aren't they.

    I love your header picture too. Love.

    And I love how you bring things together. You find things (pay attention to them) I never see! I guess we do that for each other. :)

  4. The bird on the wipers is determined! lol

  5. holy crap...snake coming in the window is not good...the pig & blanket thin at first, nah i dont think it will work...whew just had to check to see if i had a 404 error, that would be bad...

  6. Wow i am speechless and that doesnt happen often

  7. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that snake creeped me out....and the hotdog um,

  8. I want to know why someone as old as you are has hot dogs (in various forms) on your mind so much.


  9. The hot dog bun...shakes head in disbelief.
    The little bird...looks like a young one who hasn't learned enough yet about the big dangerous world.
    The snake...OMG!! I would have pulled over and let it crawl off, tho, instead of having it drop on the highway, poor thing. I was afraid it was gong to climb down under the hood there by the wipers! Creepy!!
    You do find some amazing things...even by accident. ;)

  10. I love the home in your new header. I would love one like that, only with a good roof, plumbing, electricity, paint and insulation.

    Poor bird, I know it was confused. As for the snake on the windshield, I would probably cause a wreck trying to get him off. I was thinking, can he climb under the hood and through a vent into the car??

    Once again, you have outdone yourself, Pat.

  11. The hot dog thing? Really???

    the 404 error--I should check gman...hmmmm...

    The 500 error--Truth in advertising! LOL

    Bird was fun.

    Snake--Yikes!!!! Did you see it biting the air like a dog?????

  12. Your new header I love it. The hot dog thing? Really hmmm.....

  13. Wonderful!
    Nice post! Keep it coming!

  14. You are SUCH a hoot Girl!!!
    Loved this!

  15. I'll be totally surprised if the Go-dog is successful. Never received either the other two messages. :))


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?