
Monday, August 15, 2011

Crazy for Quilts Part Two

I first introduced you to barn quilts in a previous post here. Coincidentally, the small town that we are currently staying in will be auctioning off barn quilts at their annual Settler Days in October. The 8 x 8 wooden barn quilts are on display in the local store windows down the main street in town. One day I walked down the street and took pictures of each quilt. Although I had a polarizer lens on my camera, I still was fighting the reflections from the street. I ended up having to come back at dusk and use my flash. The photos came out MUCH better, although there are still one or two reflections that you can see. I had to stand to the side to take the photo so that the flash wouldn't show up on the board. Under each photo is the pattern name of the quilt, then a brief description (taken directly from here), along with the artist(s) name.

In the middle of the country this block may be called “Bear’s Paw,” but where waterfowl outnumber bears on the East Coast, it’s known as “Duck’s Foot in the Mud.” There is also a story that in Quaker Territory (a.k.a. Pennsylvania), it goes by the name “Hand of Friendship.” Artist: Rebecca Brosch

This is a popular traditional pattern much-loved by beginners, as it is made of just one piece: a triangle. Depending on how you combine the blocks, it can create other patterns, such as the Ohio Star.

It doesn’t take much imagination to guess how this block got its name. What quilter hasn’t dropped a dish and watched it shatter into pointy shards?
Artist: Ellen Brunschon 

An original design by the members of Zion Lutheran Church. Artist: Zion members

According to Unraveling the History of Quilts and Slavery, this historic pattern was designed as a reminder of what it was like when slaves were originally captured by traders in Africa. They would use bright red cloth as bait to attract young women. Artists: Woody & Pam Woodruff  and  Harmony Corvettes 

The Nine Patch is an old and simple pattern that was often the first one learned by little girls at their mothers’ knees. This variation creates lovely patterns when assembled into a finished quilt. Artist: Lt. Noel Gaines


In Underground Railroad lore, “Crossroads” was a symbol referring to Cleveland, Ohio, which was the main crossroads with several routes to freedom.

On a less literal level, the term “crossroads” also means reaching a turning point in one’s life, where a choice must be made and then carry on.
Artist: Ellen Brunschon
This is a copy of a quilt made by the artist’s grandmother, Nellie Cloninger, in the late 1950’s. A lifelong resident of Hydro, Oklahoma (including those Dust Bowl years when everyone else left), Nellie made dozens of quilts in her lifetime. The original is still in the possession of her daughter, Katheryn Arminta. Artist: Pam Gitta

Cheerful flowers keep you smiling in the cold, dark days of winter. Artist: Jen Cowan 


Inspired by diary entries made in 1861, as recorded in The Civil War Diary Quilt. Artist: Debbie Carr

The Hunter’s Star is probably a variation on the pattern Indian Arrowhead. This deceptively complicated pattern is actually pretty easy to piece.

The star is similar to those often found inlaid in rifle stocks and may refer to the North Star, popularly used for navigation.
Artist: Eve Shunick

Shamrocks are often used in conjunction with the popular traditional pattern, “Irish Chain.” Done up in (what else?) green and white, they make a striking addition to any bedroom.

Four-leafed clovers are lucky because they’re rare. The more typical three-leaf variety is popularly said to represent the Holy Trinity. The word “shamrock” comes from the Gaelic word for clover, seamróg.
Artist: Danielle Tegtman


It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out how this block got its name: it looks exactly like the star on the compasses used by sailors as they plied the seven seas. Artist: Woody & Pam Woodruff and Harmony Corvettes

One of the most difficult quilt blocks, Mariner’s Compass makes a knockout quilt, especially worked in bright colors that would have been hard to come by in the 19th century.

It is one of the oldest named patterns in American quilting.
Artist: Allison Schirmer
The second half will follow soon. Also on display were REAL quilts dating back from the late 1800's and early 1900's. I have photos of those and will post those, too. I hope you won't get "quilted" out!


  1. wow...truly facinating...i like the drunkards has a simple complexity to it...all are stunning though...i could never imagine making sleeping under one though...smiles.

  2. Wow! Those are all beautiful! My mother used to make quilts like that. It's something I might have tried had I not gotten hooked on blogging!

  3. these are amazing...I loved the one called beautiful

  4. All of those quilts are beautiful. I really like Flower Patch and Drunkard's Path. I remember watching my grandmother make quilts on an enormous wooden frame. I still have quilts made by both of my grandmothers.

  5. Oh, I LOVE the Gardening pattern! How beautiful...They ALL are!
    Thanks for these Pat!!

  6. Now I have to really get busy on doing my own! :)

  7. Wow! These are awesome! The Hunter's Star and both Mariner's Compass quilt patterns caught my eye! The Drunkards path is so soothing to look at, probably because of the colors and the fluidity! At any rate, they are wonderful! Thanks for sharing! LOVE THEM!!!!

  8. When I think of all of the quilts my great grandmother made that we used for everything under the sun it kind of makes me sick. They were lovely pieces of art that were only used as everyday items. I'd love to still have at least one.

  9. You did all that work for us - - went back and took pictures a second time. I'm impressed and honored that you care about us that much! Thanks.


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