
Monday, May 2, 2011

Omaha Sculpture Park

Located in downtown Omaha is this stunning and realistic sculpture park that runs along five city blocks. It is First National Bank's Spirit of Nebraska's Wilderness and Pioneer Courage Parks. 

It begins with four wagon trains heading West through a dry creek bed. Each wagon stands approximately 12' high and more than 40' long when the oxen, horses or mules are placed in their hitches. Individual characters range in height from 3' to 7 1/2'. This site also includes Blair Buswell's Wagon Master that stands at 11' tall and weighs approximately 2,000 pounds. The Wagon Master served as a crucial element to wagon trains, guiding their members west and looking after the families and their supplies.*

This is the back of that wagon. It is stuck in the mud and this man is trying to push it out.

Close up of above wagon.

Some of the families walked alongside the wagons.

I love how the pioneer sculpture is juxtaposed with the modern building in the background.

This is the hunter with meat on the second horse.

The pioneer sculptures started on the corner of one street, and ran all the way down one whole city block.

The wagon trains caused the bison to stampede.

I loved this one as he runs through the building!

The bison stampede scattered the geese.

This is the front of the sculpture.

From the side, some taking off.

And we have lift off!

This is looking down at the sculpture from above.*

The geese fly off.

The final sculpture is in the First National Bank's Atrium.

*information from sculpture park website.

We toured this sculpture park right around 4-5:00 pm. I was amazed at the small amount of people that came out of the buildings even though it was downtown Omaha. Also I was amazed at how calm and CLEAN the city was! Maybe I shouldn't compare it to downtown Chicago during rush hour! With the beeping horns of drivers, bumper to bumper traffic, overhead trains running, sidewalks full of people, etc. Omaha was so very different.


  1. how truly amazing....these are breathtaking. so happy I got to see them...thank you :)

  2. I love our journeys together! You make us all feel like we are right along side you as you walk through your life! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Amazing photos! I am so glad I was not a woman of that time...

  4. Great pictures....thanks for taking us with you!

  5. dude....totally love the one going through the wall...could you imagine living like this...actually i think it would be pretty cool....

  6. I love the gees taking off! The buffalo going thru the wall- it's like there are two worlds going on at once. some sort of quantum physics deal.

  7. You share such beauty...thank you.

    I have heard tales from Dad of traveling by wagon train.

  8. It is amazing that a city would come together to do such a magnificent display of sculpture. It is truly impressive. It almost makes a person like me want to go and visit there myself. Aren't you glad you live now and have Big Blue rather than a covered wagon?!!!

  9. Wow, those are really amazing sculptures. And thanks, as always, for bringing me with you.


  10. Awesome! I've never seen so many excellent sculptures in one place. Thanks, Pat.

  11. Thanks so much for sharing this inspirational, breathtaking and most monumental undertaking!! Your pictures are fabulous and made me feel like I came along for the trip! Thanks again,


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