
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Will somebody please tell me why.......

there are no directories to be found in the mall when you need one?  Jim and I went shopping yesterday to pick up a few Christmas gifts. I had to run into a Hallmark store for a quick item. I knew that store was in the mall, but I had no idea where it was located. I'm not too familiar with this shopping mall in Arizona. No problem. I left Jim walking around in Sears and told him to meet me at Hallmark. I expected to find a directory outside of Sears. Nope. Okay. Well at least at the next major "intersection" of the mall. Nope. Not there either. What the heck? I stood in the center and turned a complete 360 degrees and didn't find a directory ANYWHERE! I had no choice but to walk along the upper level, scanning the stores on both sides, PLUS the ones on the bottom left that I could see. Luckily I spotted the Hallmark store - of course - at the very end. So by chance I was walking in the right direction. But, by golly, where have all the directories gone to?

when using the self-checkout at Wal-mart, you have to put the merchandise in the bags or somewhere on that shelf?  I don't get it. As long as I scan the item properly, why do they care where I put it? I mean, okay, I'll put it in the bag, but when that bag is full, I can NOT remove it from the area and place it in my cart or else bells and whistles will go off and lights will flash and the next thing you know, I'll be on that website, "" under the category of "stupid" or something (if there is one). So let's say you want to scan 20 items. All 20 items have to fit in that small area; whether it's 1, 2, or 3 bags. What if I had a large order? Even if I don't want to use a bag, I STILL have to set the item down in that area. Grrrr!

I never heard about "Cyber-Monday" until Tuesday? Have I been living in a hole or what? In case YOU don't know what that means, Cyber-Monday means many good deals/buys on the internet, similar to Black Friday at the stores. Who knew? Apparently NOT ME! And here I was, shopping the sales on Friday on line. I wonder if I would have gotten even BETTER deals on Monday?

Is there anything YOU need to have explained to you?


  1. Loved the video! I hate the self-checkout lane!

  2. lol! i hate that i can't find anything in the malls/stores either. yesterday i went to a different grocery store than i usually visit. it was turned completely around from what i was used to (same chain, just different location in town). and, no floor directory there either.

  3. ha. love the vid...yeah the self check out can be a little odd at times...that is reason 32 why you dont send me shopping...

  4. Loved the video!

    I have not been brave enough to try the self-checkout. I want to someone I can yell at if stuff goes wrong!

  5. the vid rocks! And I so agree about the self check out thingy, crazy lol

  6. Until there's an quick, easy way to turn off the automated voices of the self-scanners, I refuse to use them.

  7. The bagging table is actually a scale. It weighs everything you've scanned to verify that what you scanned is what it's supposed to be.

  8. I want a warm body to take my money and to thank me for shopping there .... not to mention, if the price scans wrong I am loathe to wait for a CSM to come and correct it. I don't get a chance to shop at malls much...... unless I am with my daughters and I just let them guide me from place to place.

  9. I use the self-check out when I am in a bad mood. I figure they dont want to hear me b!tch. Cause the whole store would hear me. hehe

    Cute video. =o)

    Dont know about malls, have not been in one in about 8 years, way way to many sick people.

  10. We won't use self-checkout lines either. I have my favorite fast and friendly checkout clerks at the supermarkets we use most often -- but when they aren't there, or when we're traveling, we sometimes get a clerk who is rude or bored and I wonder if they realize that if clerks don't give good personal service we might as well use a robot? And then bye bye to another job.

  11. Loved the video, Pat. As for shopping... I avoid the self-check. Tried it once and decided I didn't like it. I love technology but that thing makes me grit my teeth. The noise drives the check-out girls mad... they have my sympathy.

  12. Oh my Pat you are a card! I avoid self-check out lines...I figure a checker is gonna end up there anyway so why bother.

    Love the video...Heeehehehhe!!!!

    God bless and have an excellent day sweetie!!!

  13. Oh my! I thought I was the only one who had an issue with the self check out thing! I do not get it...

  14. You describe almost to the letter my last visit to an unfamiliar mall, I could not find a directory anywhere. I also did the upper level scan and finally spotted the store I was looking for.

    I gave up on self-checkout a long time ago, I hate being told how to bag my groceries. Great video.

  15. I'm too intimidated to use the self-checkout!


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