
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Watch this inspiring video as these unsuspecting diners were entertained by this fabulous choir at a mall recently.

Wouldn't you love to have witnessed this in person? Or better yet, be a part of it? I teared up watching this and got goose bumps on my arms. It made my heart sing! Just look at all the smiling faces as they listened to these beautiful voices sing about the TRUE meaning of Christmas. Young and old, from all walks of life, singing, listening and praising God. Makes me think maybe peace is achievable.


  1. That was so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes!

  2. That is amazing...wish it would happen around here:)


  3. Totally awesome! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. I am soooo far behind with comments, I hope I can get caught up!
    ☼ Sunny

  4. Thanks, I needed that! Trying to catch up after five days without my computer! Yes, I am still making and selling sock monkeys. Need one?

  5. ha. awesome...have a friend here that has organized a few flash stuff!

  6. Incredible and inspiring Pat! There were more choir members than diners!

  7. I had goose bumps up and down my body!! I was overwhelmed with tears by the end. BEAUTIFUL!! I wonder if there were some spontaneous singers who had a voice and could not resist? What a wonderful example of our country and those who are willing to stand up and sing the Lord's praises, for he IS the reason for the season!! GREAT POST Pat!!!

  8. That was too awesome!!! The voices of that choir were phenomenal. THANK YOU for sharing that!

  9. I love these singing events. I've watched several, from all over the world. They all give me the same goosebumps as this one.

  10. Oh Pat, I loved it. And what a inspired idea. Yes, the tears came as I was transported back to my youth when I sang the Hallelujah Chorus with a choir in our Royal Albert Hall. Oh happy days.

  11. How amazing it must have been to be a part of that event. That was truly beautiful, thanks for sharing Pat.


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