
Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday's Musings

The weather here in Northern Illinois has just been gorgeous these past few days. Sunny and mild with temps in the low 70's and a slight breeze. Some trees are slipping on their fall colors while others are discarding their leaves like yesterday's news.

Living in a trailer can get bizarre (for many reasons) but it can get quite cool in the evening in the fall (down in the high 40's or low 50's) and the trailer doesn't hold the heat of the day. So we have to switch the furnace on just to take the chill off. But the daytime can still get pretty warm and it's tempting to switch over to the a/c. Is that wrong to go from one end of the spectrum to the other in one day? I think it is, so I sit and sweat. Crazy, I know.

The other day Jim and I climbed into the truck and I said, "Hey, will you look at that! Doesn't that bird crap look like a bird?" (Referring to the blob splashed on our windshield.)

"What?" Jim said.

I know he heard me the first time, but he just wanted me to repeat it because I'm sure he didn't BELIEVE what I said.

"I SAID, doesn't that bird crap look just like a bird! I swear! Look!"

"I guess so," he answered not too convinced.

"Stop the truck! My camera is in the back!"

He let out  a big sigh, but did my bidding. I jumped out, ran around the truck to grab my camera, and jumped back in. Luckily we weren't at a red light, but at a side street, or people would think we were doing a "Chinese fire drill" or something.

So here's the photo of the birdcrap bird.

This is truly an unaltered photo. I just cropped it and put a border on it. I DID NOTHING to the shape. You can see the dirty windshield. Now I ask you, does that not look like a bird? If you aren't convinced, here is the second photo that I drew in little legs and gave the birdy an eye.

What I want to know, is this Life imitating Art, or Art imitating Life?

By the time we got home, the sun had set and a sliver of the moon was hanging in the sky with Venus standing nearby. 

Night falls in the country.

Here's the sliver of the moon. You can see exactly how bright the sun's reflection is on the moon, and the outline of the complete moon behind the bright crescent.

That's all my ramblings for today. Ta ta for now.


  1. oh those are beautiful nightfall pics...nice...and i see the bird...sell it on may make a lot...smiles.

  2. The bird poo is really artistic. I bet you hated to wash it away. Cracking pictures, my favourite kind of shots.

  3. There is beauty and art in EVERYTHING...good eye!

  4. So wonderful to have a friend who can find the beauty (and birdie) in windshield crap!!!

  5. Blogging. The world's reason to photograph bird dookie.

  6. That turd is definitely a bird! I love that you took a picture. It makes it real :)

  7. Ah too funny. I see it too and am so glad you have the pictures to show the world--LOL!!!
    Super moon shot. MB

  8. I'm not sure I would call it art exactly, but yes, it's amazing how much it looks like a bird!

    We had a glorious evening sky, too. I wish I would have captured it like you did so beautifully.

  9. you have a great eye, Im not sure I would have even noticed the bird poo let alone its shape ;)

  10. Seeing birds in their droppings? Maybe you need to set down roots for a while! lol

  11. Art imitating life, I think! Absolutely hilarious!
    Beautiful skies, too...

  12. I loved your post!
    And yes, it looks like a bird and I don't know if it's art imitating life or the other way round;o)

    Have a nice week*******

  13. IT IS a bird! How very cool! :-) Beautiful dusk shots!

  14. Is your husband convinced now that you blogged it? I saw it, too, before you drew in the details.
    Autumn . . .my favorite time of year...when it is getting cooler. Summer heat wears me down.

  15. I HATE bird poop and My car is a magnet for it!

  16. I love how you labeled this post "bird-shaped bird crap!" So funny. I thought it looked like a penguin at first, but after you put in the feet, it definately looks like a bird :D

  17. You are so right. That bird crap totally looked like a bird.

  18. LOVED the sunset shots...could not see the before pic of the bird dookie, but really see what you see with the added eye and feet.

  19. OMG! Only you would have bird shaped bird poop! LOL! and then add legs and an eye! I truly can't stop laughing! You are too funny!
    The nightfall shots are awesome :)
    ☼ Sunny

  20. I agree that it looked like a bird even without the eye and legs. But you DO have an active imagination, don't you? LOL

  21. So did you do a paper press of the bird? The poop bird that is? "Cause I'm sure that someone on ebay would've bought it.

    Here's to temp swings! LOve these cooler evenings though!

    Talk about turning a (ahem) crappy shot into art...

  23. That is amazing ..... that you spotted the bird in the bird crap. But then it really does look like a bird.

    We are getting the cooler nights too but still running the a/c during the day. I love your shots of the night sky.

  24. Bird poo art. I think you should have carefully scraped it off and mounted it........ Send the pic to Jay Leno!


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?