
Monday, August 9, 2010

Devil's Lake State Park

Whew! We had a fun filled weekend our annual family camping get together. The majority of Jim's siblings were able to attend. This year we returned to Devil's Lake State Park, which is located in Wisconsin. Here is the drive into the park.

This park offers many things to do like canoeing:

Swimming (look way in the background!)


Paddle boating:

Playing along the water's edge with your dog:

Surfing along the water's edge with your boogie board:

Walking along the water's edge with your granddaughter:

Walking along the water's edge with your daughter AND granddaughter:

Throwing your baby up in the air:

Or just take one of the several hiking paths throughout the park. This one is called the "Tumbled Rocks" hiking path, and runs along the shore of the lake. Quartzite rocks are strewn throughout the path. Jim, our daughter Jessica, our granddaughter Lily, and me went on this hike.

Benches are placed here and there on the path so one can rest their weary bones and gaze out at the beautiful water.

You probably FELT what it's like to be between a rock and a hard place, but have you actually SEEN it? Well here it is! It's a small rock between two larger rocks.

This is looking up at all the fallen rock frozen in motion down the hill, with the tall fir trees at the very top.

I loved this dead tree with it's human looking arm pointing out to the water. It reminded me of the talking apple trees from The Wizard of Oz.

Look at this colorful lichen on the rocks.

I like how this fir tree just seems to grow straight out of the rocks. Perseverance!

We met up with some of our relatives farther down the path. Here are two of my sister-in-laws searching for a geocache "prize". (They found it under a nearby rock with the help from my niece!)

My brother-in-law Ron waits for the ladies near the path.

Nature's painted canvas:

Jess and Lily on the path. Lily is holding Grandma's walking stick!

A butterfly drinking nectar

Rocks and water

We met a second group of family members coming back from their hike. Notice that the men are carrying babies. The last couple are the parents of the babies.

These are the newest additions to our family - Brianna and Abigail. Don't ask me which one is which, because I can't see what color their eyes are from this picture. Brianna has blue eyes.

Here are their proud grandparents.

My next post will show you the games we played and other fun photos. Stay tuned.


  1. awww...what beautiful little the pics of walking on the edge of the lake as well...looks like a fun place to be...

  2. I'm on blog break, but I just wanted to check in and say hi;)

    hugs friend

  3. Looks like you had a great weekend!

  4. Looks like a great park to visit. Nice place to spend a weekend!

  5. What a beautiful place. I'd love to spend a few days there.

  6. That place looks awesome. Great pictures :)

  7. Great pictures, looks like every one had a ball.

    Wishing I was there.

  8. Wow, seems like a fantastic day out. A nice spot.

  9. The way you described every scene is perfect.... I think you sold me the benches though, after all that walking I'd have been glad to collapse on one. Your granddaughter and the babies are delightful.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful day out with your family. I loved walking along with you guys, it almost felt as if I was there!

  11. But it looks very nice! Why is it cslled Devils Lake?! Is the water hot?!?

  12. What a wonderful place to pend the day!
    By the way, your header shot is amazing!

  13. THE PICTURES ARE GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Sounds like you had a good time! I'm jealous! :)

  15. Great photos!
    I love paddle boats!

  16. What a great place to enjoy so many activities. Looks like it was a fabulous day!

  17. I'd definitely need the benches if you weren't taking me along on this virtual walk. :)
    Love the oz tree and nature's canvas.
    It's so cool we both have Lily's. :)

  18. looks like a wonderful place to camp/vacation. glad you had such a great time.


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