
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Time to say goodbye....

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.
Robert Louis Stevenson

The time is drawing to a close here in Mesa. Some of our friends have already headed home. It's hard to believe that we have been settled here for five months. We only have a few days left to cram in the things we haven't done yet.

Jim does his usual "blue" jobs before we hit the road - washes and waxes the trailer, checks and/or fills all tires with air, and makes sure the truck is up-to-date on the oil change and any other repairs.

I've been busy polishing the woodwork, washing floors, cleaning the shower stall, and just sorting through things. Staying in one spot for so long tends to make one get a little lazy, I'm afraid. And accumulate junk.

The sad part of leaving, of course, is saying goodbye to everyone and hoping to see them back in the late fall. God willing and the creek don't rise, of course. I also will miss the beautiful scenery here - the mountains every where I look, the cactus, the birds, the smell of the fruit trees in bloom.

The fun part is planning our route. Every other year when we leave Arizona, we head up the West coast to Washington State to visit Jim's son and our grandchildren. So that is the plan. We try to vary our route so that we can see different things. Two years ago we rode up the Pacific Coast Highway, which was beautiful. This time we are staying more in the interior of the states. We don't travel very far - maybe 250-300 miles a day. That might not sound like much - but in the truck going 55 mph - that's enough! We haven't worked out too many details but the rough plan is - AZ to Washington State (near Seattle), with stops along the way, then on to SD to renew our driver's licenses (with more stops along the way), then to MN to visit Jim's Dad (who is 99!), then settle in north central IL near my daughter. Whew!

So are you ready for an adventure? Stay tuned for sights on the road.......

I'm hoping to post more before we leave here, but I had nothing else to write about so I thought I'd let you in on our plans.

Did you ever see the movie, "The Long, Long, Trailer"? It's pretty funny, and there are some parts that really hit home. Here's a small clip of it.


  1. can't you swing a stop in KS on your way? LOL - it would be great fun to come home from work one day and find your rig in front of my house.

    {sigh} guess I'll have to be contented with pictures. My kids are near Seattle. Too bad I'm not going to be there anytime soon; we could maybe meet up.

  2. I hope you have safe travels and that all your friends are back in the fall!

  3. Well, I certainly understand your reluctance to leave the beautiful valley! Sounds like you have some grand travels ahead, though. Looking forward to those posts. Wishing you safe travel all the way through. ~

  4. Have a safe and fun trip back. I will looking forward to seeing you back here in Illinois.

  5. It doesn't seem possible that 5 months have gone by. Have a safe and fun trip.
    Thanks for video clip, I remember seeing that movie years and year ago!
    Sunny :)

  6. Looking forward to traveling with you through your blog!

  7. I know you will have a hard time leaving such a beautiful place but then there will be beauty of a different sort on the road. Looking forward to your travel tales.

    I love that movie. My hubby and I watched it together one time and he has teased my about my "rock collection" ever since.

  8. Loved the little clip there, and it occurs to me that you are a lot like Lucy! Have a safe and fun trip. I look forward to traveling along, so to speak.

  9. Catching up on my fav blogs -- and wishing you Safe travels!! Can't wait to read your travel stories. Enjoy the Pacific Northwest (and I hope you don't get too much rain.)


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