
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Window Views...and doors too!

This is a new meme I'm contributing to today. It's called Window Views and Doors, Too and it's sponsored by Mary the Teach. Click her link to see more windows and doors!

These photos were all taken at St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery in Florence, AZ. If you want to see more pictures of the monastery, and read about my visit, click here.

This is a looking out a window inside of St. Nicholas Chapel.

This is an archway/doorway leading to St. Nicholas Chapel.

This is part of the roof of St. Nicholas Chapel.

These are some of the windows of St. Anthony's Chapel.

This is a doorway leading to one of the entrances to St. Anthony's Chapel.

I love the colorful buildings and that all the windows and doorways had the same curved theme going on.


  1. th stone work on that second one...

  2. These are all wonderful photos Pat! You did a nice job capturing a lot of details.
    I love that first window view - beautiful!

  3. Excellent series! Each one is a beautiful shot, Pat.

  4. I really like this series of pictures. They're really beautiful, especially the cupola/tower on St. Nicholas Chapel.
    Sunny :)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I really love these photos.
    Interesting shots!

  7. I very much like the arches throughout this monastery. I think this would be a great place to see in person. I think I'll check on a map to see where Florence is!

  8. Your photos just keep getting better and better. I forget whether I told you how much I enjoyed the previous post on this tour.

  9. May I just say, WOW! I love these. Great job.

  10. I like them all but the doorway to St Anthony's is beautiful with the roses climbing overhead.

  11. Great photos Pat, I love the first one where you are inside looking out. And the last arch with the roses is gorgeous.

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