
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Can you say Poulsbo?

Last Friday, Jim and I made a trip with my brother-in-law, Mark, to Poulsbo (pronounced Pulls-bow), often called "Little Norway". It is located on the Kitsap Peninsula. First we drove down to Seattle and the docks at Puget Sound to catch a ferry to Bainbridge Island.

The beautiful Seattle skyline from the ship.

Two brave souls on the deck! It was pretty windy and cool out there!

Mural on the side of a building near where we parked.

Brightly colored buildings line both sides of the main street.

Clothes blowing in the wind.

We ate lunch at Tizley's Europub. The food was delish!

photo courtesy of their web site

Jim and Mark waiting for their beer.

I love this little alley with the clothesline strung across it. I think the colorful clothes are staged, but it's still cute.

I spied this "rock fairy" in the window of one of the stores. I could kick myself for not buying it. You KNOW how I love rocks! Isn't it just adorable?

Nearby were these cute little boots.

This is Sluy's Bakery.

Just take a gander at some of the goodies in their window.

We went inside, and I asked Beau, here, to tell us all their specialties.

This is what we bought. One of their specialties is the cinnamon roll with cream cheese in the middle (red arrow). Another is rosette cookies (green arrow). And the third was the fattigman cookies (blue arrow). Recipes are available on line for the rosette and fattigman cookies.

Mural in the bakery

We stopped in a kitchen store and I was so excited to see that they sold Aebleskiver pans! So I bought my own pan. It didn't come with a knitting needle, but the woman who worked in the shop told me that I could use a fondue fork so I picked up one of those. Now I can't wait to try making some aebleskivers. There is some skill involved.

My brother-in-law, Mark. A true Viking!

After we browsed the majority of the shops we took a stroll by the water. The weather was getting progressively worse - the clouds had rolled in, the temperature had dropped, and it looked like it was going to downpour soon.

There is a nice boardwalk along the water that you can walk off your extra calories you ate at Sluy's.

The boats were all tied up neatly in their slips, waiting for a nice day.

I just loved this weathervane that was atop a nearby building.

These benches just called out for people to sit on and stare out at the water.

Poulsbo is a nice little town to visit, although you do have to pay for the ferry ride. From Seattle you pay for the driver, plus all passengers. From Poulsbo it's one flat rate.

Oh, by the way, my favorite of all the goodies we bought from the bakery? The cream cheese filled cinnamon roll. Yum!


  1. I'm so jealous! You are on one never-ending vacation. Great sights and pics!!

  2. what a neat all the color of that town...and the rock fairy is adorable...

  3. I am slobbering and may have to go bake something...shame on you.

    I love the pictures. I get to travel many places with you, thanks.

  4. can I stow away on your ride, seriously I take up very little room;)

  5. I loved Poulsbo! We didn't get to see as much stuff there (we had Isaiah and Alexander) and wanted to go back. I recognize the Viking hat though. I bought one for Isaiah when I was there, probably from that same store! Wish I had tried some of the goodies. They looked good enough to eat!

  6. I love the the cute buildings. You have found some very interesting and fun places here in the USA.

  7. Seattle is one of my favorite cities. Ireally enjoyed seeing the pictures. Now I'm also very intrigued by Poulsbo.

  8. OK, now I REALLY have to go to Seattle! I need one of those cinnamon rolls!

  9. How Fun! Poulsbo is such a cute little town & fun to walk around & poke in the shops. I was lucky enough to spend some time there visiting a friend & doing some work on a boat. I don't know how I missed that bakery!! Will you go to the rainforests on the Olympic Peninsula?

  10. Poulsbo looks like my kind of place to visit. I love little towns with great shops to stroll through.
    I love the rock fairy and the baked goodies look totally yummy!
    Sunny :)

  11. All very charming. But what the heck are aebleskivers?

  12. Lovely Pat. Wish i was there!

  13. Seattle is a very interesting looking place, but I am not sure that I could handle the weather.

  14. Don't you just love the Pacific Northwest? I'm heading that way tomorrow. We'll be in Portland for the next then days. Can't wait.

    I love rocks, too, and that little fairy would be hard to pass up.

  15. What a cute little town, I have been all around Seattle but have never taken the ferry over to Poulsbo.

    I love the little rock fariy, I'm surprised you passed it up. And everything in the bakery looks delicious. Don't blow away over there.


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