
Monday, April 26, 2010

Awesome Aebleskivers and Touring the Seattle Art Museum

Thursday morning we met up at our son and daughter-in-law's house for breakfast before heading out to the Seattle Art Museum or SAM.

Wonderful smells were emanating from the kitchen area and I walked in there to see what Carol was up to. She's a great cook. Imagine my surprise to see her standing over her stove poking things with a knitting needle!

"Um, Carol, are you COOKING with a knitting needle?"

"Yes, I'm making aebleskivers."


"Aebleskivers. They are Danish pancakes."

They are so cute. They are totally round. They are made in an aebleskiver pan (but of course). Once they are cooked on one side, the needle is used to turn each pancake.

Annual Scandinavian Festival at California Lutheran University in Woodland Hills, California, photo by ChildofMidnight

Carol's aebleskiver pan w/needle

The aebleskivers are traditionally served with powdered sugar and raspberry jam. They can also have a filling.

Carol also made up this beautiful fruit tray. Doesn't it look appetizing?

She's a real sweetheart!

After our delicious breakfast we were off to the museum. I always check on line to see if there are any coupons available for local attractions. We lucked out - $2.00 off each ticket! Jim printed out the coupons and we were good to go.

I usually take my camera with me EVERYWHERE, even though it's not a small "point and shoot." I just shove it in my purse. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the museum ALLOWED photos except on certain items where it showed the picture of a camera with a circle and a line through it. There were only two paintings that I couldn't take a picture of! They were on loan from another museum. I was as happy as a pig in sh.. uh, mud!

Here are a couple of famous people that Andy Warhol used as subjects for his work.

You may recognize Marilyn

This one is called Double Elvis.

Is this your worst nightmare? How about waking up with this on your chest? I'd say you have an infestation problem!

Back view:

This is a stunning exhibit made from dog tags. It is called Some One.

Here is the write up on it.

Close up of tags.

My new goal. Save up my wine bottles and make me one of these. Called Sunlight and flies. Course I'd have a prettier name.

We walked through the modern art gallery and there were some paintings and sculptures that had me cock my head to the side and go, "WTF"? I do try to appreciate all art, or at least try to figure out what the artist is trying to convey. But c'mon, a big blue and orange triangle with a yellow background doesn't constitute art to me. But....that's just my opinion.

I do like Jackson Pollak's work. This one is called, "Sea Change."

Now this one may not look like much from a distance. And my photo doesn't really do it justice. It is called, "Mina Mina."

Here is a close up of it. Look at all the individual dots and their different sizes. Now this takes patience and skill.

Now read what this painting means.

Here is another "dot" painting done by an Aborigine woman. This is called, "Three dreamings: fire, mulga seed, and emu."

A close up of the intricate dots:

This photo is so stunningly beautiful, please click on it to enlarge it to really appreciate it. It is called, "Gathering Storm", by Lin Onus.

Of course, I was THRILLED to find a Georgia O'Keeffe painting! It called, "A Celebration."

What struck me was the clarity of this next painting. It was like looking at a photograph. This is called, "The Crane Ornament" and was painted in 1889 by George de Forest Brush.

Outside the Seattle Arm Museum is the Hammering Man.

* There are numerous Hammering Man sculptures of different sizes all over the world including New York, Los Angeles, Germany and Japan. Seattle's is 48 feet high and weighs 26,000 pounds. Each Hammering Man is marked with a unique number. Seattle's is #3277164.

* The Hammering Man's arm "hammers" silently and smoothly four times per minute from 7 am to 10 pm every day. It runs on a 3-hp electric motor set on an automatic timer. Hammering Man rests its arm each evening and every year on Labor Day.

info courtesy of Seattle Art Museum Website

Last, but NOT LEAST, I leave you with a photo of the famous Lusty Ladies marquee - the only stripper-owned strip club in the United States. It is located directly across from the SAM and it is a Seattle landmark. The marquee is quite funny, said with tongue in cheek, er, maybe I should rephrase that! Lusty Lady is closing down their doors due to hard economic times and "porn on the internet". The things you learn from my blog. I tell ya!


  1. Oh Wow Pat!
    Now i REALLY want to go to Seattle. (whiiine)

    Once again, great post!

  2. That's too fun that they allowed you to take pictures in there! Love it. There's a Scandanavian Festival every July in Junction City Oregon, near our old hometown, and I agree abelskivers (sp?) ARE so yummy. Never knew anyone who actually cooked them (privately) -- hooray for your DIL and lucky you!!

  3. with sugar and rasperry jam...oh my! what a cool art exhibit too!

  4. I am in culture shock. Strange delicious food, wonderful art and my theater biting the dust! Will I survive?

    I think my favorite art is also your favorite. It was stunning enlarged.

    I envy you and Jim so much, all the world you get to see. Thank you for sharing with us.

  5. Your daughter-in-law's breakfast is a beautiful work of art!!!! Thanks for telling us to enlarge that picture. It is gorgeous.

  6. wow, love the exhibits in the museum!

  7. Thanks for the tour Pat! I loved the Gathering Storm and of course the Pollack and O'Keefe. What a fabulous way to spend a day - lucky you!

  8. Yeah, the art is great...... back to breakfast, though. Jam, sugar on little tiny pastries........

  9. Thank you for the tour Pat, I enjoyed the art.
    I thought those pancakes were Dutch. We call them "poffertjes", and they're delicious. That breakfast looked mouthwatering!

  10. Seattle looks and sounds great.Thanks for the pictorial tour, Pat. The art exhibit, awesome!
    B xx

  11. Mmmm Danish pancake. I kind of wish I could wrap myself in a danish pancake and then eat my way out. In fact... I think that is what I will do for my birthday this year. Mmmm tasty birthday.

  12. That thing with the dog tags is very cool!

    I am not sure that I would want to cook with a knitting needle?

    LMAO at the theater! I remember when they were all over NYC when I was younger.

  13. Thanks for sharing the Seattle Art Museum~ I've never been there! I study art, and am by no means a fine artist... and I struggle with what defines & does not define art~ which is to say I agree with you entirely when you look at something sometimes & think WTF!
    If you ever get the chance (or maybe you've already been,) you'd love the Georgia O'Keefe Museum in Santa Fe, NM.

  14. Wonderful artwork, I like all of them but Gathering Storm is my favorite followed very closely by the Georgia O'Keeffe.

    The aebleskivers look delicious especially with all the fresh fruit, yum! I think those are what I tried several years ago but I have forgotten the name.

  15. those were awesome pictures. loved the pancake thingys. i could definitely eat these.


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