
Monday, January 25, 2010

Wherever you go - there you are

I wanted to share with all of you some of the photos I snapped from our recent trip back to Illinois and Minnesota. Some are beautiful, some are odd, and some make you want to go....HUH?

This is a silhouette of a bridge caught in the rising sun on the cold morning we left Minnesota.

Here's another one of the sunrise through the naked trees.

I guess it's true when they say "every man's home is his castle." This is someone's home in Illinois. Don't know if it comes with a dragon or not. Come to think of it, I didn't see a knight in shining armour, either.

We passed these two farms that had quilted patterns painted on their barns.

Speaking of barns, how this one is even standing is a wonder. I guess because the wind can blow right through it. Why doesn't the farmer just knock it down?

I was able to snap a photo of these geese coming in for a landing in a field with the sun low in the sky. Remember - all photos are shot from a moving vehicle!

And of course, this moving vehicle is an airplane. Doesn't this look like a slice of heaven?

How about this one?

In case you're in need of a job, this here's a good place to start. This road is in Minnesota. I bet you'd have good luck with a job here!

I had a good laugh when I saw this barn.

It's too bad we were speeding by AND I didn't have my zoom lens. Otherwise I might have seen these underneath the house.

I didn't see, GO HOME DOROTHY written in the sky, either.

Do you remember those old TV ads for Honda motorcyles? It went something like, "You meet the nicest people on a Honda!" Well, maybe Kawasaki should have something about odd people riding them! Take a look a this person! We came upon him/her at a stoplight. I told Jim to stop the truck a little behind so I could snap a picture with my phone.

Then we pulled up next to the bike and I took another shot. Then the person turned to us, smiled, and waved. Not sure if it was a man or a woman. Whatever it was, it DID stand out with that pink mohawk on it's zebra helmet, lime green bike, and lime green/black outfit!


  1. Those are great pics...I love the biker dude/dudette!! LOL!

  2. I am SO jealous of your ability to take such great pictures from moving vehicles. I wouldn't even be surprised if you DID catch the wicked witch on film! Thanks for the pictures -- and the laughs !

  3. I think that your knight in shining armor was riding the motorcycle! lol

    Great pictures, as always. I always feel like I am on the trip with you. It did look cold, though.

  4. wow. those are some amazing pics! castles and barns and sun...these are a few of my favorite things...

    too funny the guy on the motorcycle!

  5. Wonderful pictures! Maybe the quilt patterns are a modern version of the symbols they use to place on barns for protection.

  6. Excellent pictures! The person on the bike, is well just funny. hehe

  7. Honda riders are the nicest people... ,-) my hubby and I have a Honda..I saw that helmet at a motocycle the barn photos...especially the ones falling apart...

  8. Great photos!

    Hey, you've traveled all over the US- do you think that Minnesota roads are one of the best of all the states? I only ask because when I went there I thought they were, and Minneapolis/St. Paul seemed like the easiest city EVAH to drive in.

  9. Pat, please come over to my blog for a sweet surprise...

  10. wow, such beautiful shots

  11. You need to have your own blog dedicated just to travel. You do a nice job of sharing sights you have seen - even the oddball ones. I really enjoy your photos.

  12. as usual, awesome photographs. what kind of camera are you using?

  13. Really great shots Pat!
    The sunrise shots are beautiful!
    I'd so love that castle. Who lives in something like that but I think I could get used to it if it comes with a maid.
    The barn should be torn down and burnt; but that house looks like it could fall any minute - dangerous.
    I'm going for a girl on the bike - pink mohawk, pink bookbag - gotta be. :)

  14. I like those fluffy clouds and the person on the bike was probably nice .... a little odd, but nice, maybe......

  15. We are beginning to see those quilt pictures on buildings around here, too. Thanks for another interesting update with great pictures!

  16. What a great selection of photos from your trip back to warmer weather. Quite an adventure to see what is around so many corners!!

  17. Those are fantastic, Pat. It's really hard to pick my fave.


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