
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Watery Wednesday #70 - Sea Lions

On our trip up the West coast two years ago, we stopped at Sea Lion Caves, in Florence, Oregon. These sea lions, called "Steller" sea lions, can be found from central California all the way to the Bering Sea. This is the only mainland rookery. Otherwise their homes are on rocks off shore. The sea lions call this home year-round. They live in the cave during the fall and winter stormy season, and use the rock ledges during the spring and summer.

It cost $12.00 to view the sea lions. There is a gift shop to browse in. Then you can walk outside and look down the cliff to see the sea lions gathered on the rocks. Here's a photo from high up on the cliff looking down. You can hear the lions bellowing from this distance, AND smell them if the wind is right (or wrong, really!)

Here's with the zoom lens.

These are cormorants on the edge of the cliff.

You can also go down to "the cave" and see the sea lions in their natural habitat. They are quite loud in there AND beware because it DOES stink! But it is pretty cool.

There is a large opening on the side of the cave. This is the view.

This is Heceta Head Lighthouse just north of Sea Lion Caves.

For more Watery Wednesday images, click HERE.


  1. You can click on all the pictures to enlarge them. But especially the one of the sea lions in the cave. It looks a little fuzzy in the small size, but I wanted to capture the whole feel of the cave and to show you the tunnel. If you enlarge it you can see the lions more distinctly on the rocks.

  2. That is so cool, I would love to see that someday...the light house pic looks like it could be a post card, just beautiful;)

  3. That looks like a really great view. It reminds me of some trips up the central and northern California coast. I like these pictures.

  4. Hi Pat

    I read your blog all the time and enjoy your adventures. Your pictures this week were very familiar to me. I've seen those sea lions and I painted one of those twists in the highway near Florence! It is on my blog here.

  5. Wow - I am so impressed with these pictures!! Such an amazing site.

  6. Great photos! One of these days I'm going to make it up north to see those sea lions for myself. In the meantime, I enjoyed it through the eyes of your lens. :-)

  7. That was fun Pat -- brought back memories. We lived about 60 miles from Florence before we sold out to RV fulltime. And although we're in Oregon every year (as we are right now), we haven't visited Sea-Lion Caves for years and years, since our kids were little. Seems like you never go to tourist attractions where you live.

  8. That is definitely living on the edge! Your shots are amazing, thanks for the wonderful journey... I enjoyed it immensely!

  9. very cool the lighthouse...

  10. Nice, Pat! I love sea lions and have heard about this place a few times but never been. I have smelled the guys though, you're right! Great photos of 'em!

  11. fabulous shots! love your shot of the opening on the side of the cave...great view!

  12. Wow, what an adventure. All I do is stay in this cold house hibernating. I lie, I am in the throes of moving all the fixtures in the store to better suit me, He who plumbs is hiding....

  13. What a beautiful spot. I love lighthouses.

  14. Wow, I didn't know the west coast of America had sea lions -- and such an abundance too!

    Nice photos.

    I'm a photographer too, if you hadn't noticed yet :)

  15. Beautiful place and i love those animals . Stunning pics!

  16. One of my favorite spots on the Oregon Coast, we've been there many times. We lived in Brookings which is on the Oregon/California border for awhile after coming down from Alaska. Great shots of a gorgeous place.

  17. Very, very cool! Love your tours.


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