
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Westward Ho! (And that's not Jim talking to ME)

The temperatures have been dipping pretty low at night - in the low 40's last night. And that can only mean one's time to pull up stakes. Tomorrow, October 1st, we start heading West.

Although we only plan on driving around 300 miles a day, it's somewhat of a grueling trip because:

a) the truck isn't THAT comfortable (the back of my seat doesn't recline at all);

b) only going 55 mph makes for about a 6 hour drive at least, not counting potty breaks or eating;

c) if we unhook the truck, it's a lot of setting up and taking down day after day. We like it better when we stay at any one place for two or more days. You can imagine how spoiled we are when we stay for 3-5 MONTHS in one location!

Here's our tentative plans:

Thursday night - Montgomery, Missouri
Friday night - Lyndon, Kansas
Saturday night - Liberal, Kansas
Sunday night - Santa Rosa, New Mexico
Monday night - Albuquerque, New Mexico

Our main purpose of going to Albuquerque is the hot air balloon fiesta, which runs from October 3rd through October 11th. We will arrive on October 5th and depart on the 11th. We have been to the town of Albuquerque a few times, but never for the festival. I am excited to see all the balloons (up to 600 are launching this year), and hope to get some fantastic pictures. I also hope to meet up with fellow blogger Stephen Baird at Nikon Sniper who just happens to be going to the balloon fiesta on some of the same days as me. What a co-ink-y-dink! I'm hoping he'll give me some great photo tips since he is a fantastic photographer.

Here are photos from the 2008 launch. These were taken from the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta website.

Photo courtesy of Ray Watt

Photo courtesy of Cindy Petrehn

Tonight we are going to my daughter's house, for one last fill of our granddaughter, Lily. What a sweetie pie. I know I will cry when I leave her. I will miss her terribly. She has such a great smile and she laughs at anything. She is so easy to please.

I still have a few things to blog about that we saw/did while in central IL that I'll have to throw in somewhere along the way here. I hope to be posting while on the road. Internet can be sporadic - I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Take care and stay tuned for Jim and Pat's Great Adventure!


  1. Wishing you a safe road trip and I want to see photos of you in one of those balloons. Now that would be exciting.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful adventure ahead Pat. Be Safe.

    Oh, that grandaughter is SO adorable! I'm sure it will be hard to leave.

    Keep on posting!

  3. You're going to have a fabulous time! I've heard the balloons are amazing.

  4. OH OH.....Are you coming to see me? Say yes!!!!! I will be sooo excited to see you!

  5. I would love to see that balloon festival, it is so much bigger than our little one. Take lots of photos please.

    Lily is such a doll, I know you are going to miss her. Drive safe.

  6. What an adorable and precious little one. Love Lilly.
    Wishing you a safe road trip.
    Take a lot of pics,please!!

  7. Leaving "home" is always bittersweet for us fulltimers. Travel safe!
    I envy you getting to see the balloon festival and can't wait to hear about it from you. We too have been in Albu(how the heck do you spell that city) quite a few times but never at the right time for this.

    I enjoyed the morning laugh too from your post title == ho ho ho.


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?