
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Watery Wednesday

Today's contribution to Watery Wednesday comes from the city of Shreveport, LA.This is Riverview Park, which is located in downtown Shreveport on the banks of the Red River. It has several water fountains, a 300-foot-long floating boat dock, and a waterfall that cascades down multi-tiered rock steps.


  1. Hello Pat
    That looks like a very big fountain with lots of water flowing over and out. We have many plop plop fountains here in Melbourne, for some reason there lots of them in shopping centres
    Take care
    ps loved the swollen knees joke

  2. beautiful cascading fountain. the fountain in the last photo reminds of the fountain at the Olympic Park in Atlanta.

  3. Those are both very interesting water fountains. I bet the kids love to run through the one on the second photo...hope they're allowed to!

  4. Wonderful shots Pat, thanks for sharing.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  5. Greetimg from Bulgaria.Thank you for visiting!original photos.

  6. Pretty!! I could sit and watch it for a long time. It would be very relaxing.

  7. That must be one of the largest fountains I've seen--must be spectacular! It's been nice seeing fountains again, they turned them for off a couple of years to save water...

  8. Okay, now I want a fountain in my park. I love the sound of water. Wait, changed my mind. I can see all the crazies trying to bathe in my fountain. I will just have to leave a faucet running......

  9. Now, that has got to be one of the coolest water fountains I've ever seen! It's so huge!
    Great WW entry!

  10. Hi Pat -- Thank you for the very nice pictures and also for the reminder that my latest post could go in Watery Wednesday meme too. I'd forgotten about it. I'm looking at kinda' gray drizzly water right now, but it is water anyway.

    Sallie (FullTime-Life)

  11. The water flowing over the bricks is lovely, and the other fountain looks like fun!
    Thanks for visiting!

  12. Those are amazing, what a beautiful fountain. I could just stand there and listen and watch all day.

    Sorry I have gotten so far behind. I'm trying to do some yard clean up before the wind and rain hit plus hubby is out of town so no help.


  13. I haven't had anything good like this to participate in WW. ;(
    Great shots!


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