
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas!

I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of you
for following my blog. I have been blogging since 2005; 3 years on 
another site and 5 1/2 years on this site. I started the blog mainly as a
diary and for my friends and family to keep track of our doings and 
whereabouts when we decided to hit the road in our RV. We got off the
road in April 2012. I have decided to step away from blogging for awhile, if not
permanently. I have many ideas in my head for books, and, in fact, have started
a few of them! I am hoping to spend more time this new year on writing. I
might check in from time-to-time on your blogs; may not comment, but just to
see how you all are doing. I've made some good friends over the years through
blogging, and I know that we will stay in touch.

Have a WONDERFUL Christmas and a HAPPY and HEALTHY
New Year!

Love, Pat


  1. i hope you have a wonderful christmas as well! and a happy new yeeeeeaaarr....ok i was singing that last glad this is silent...hahaha

  2. I started blogging in 2005, too! But I'm not going to let down my five fans... *I* intend to keep writing. :)

    And if you check in at my blog, you better say something!! Even if it's just 'hi'.

    Also, you have to keep posting pictures, at least once in awhile.

    Are you on Facebook?

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy Prosperous New Year.

    Keep writing.

  4. Good luck! And happy 2014!

  5. Have a great Christmas and new year, although I confess I will miss your blog and Friday Funnies. Good luck with your new endeavors! :)

  6. Wishing you all the best, always. Please in touch, email, facebook, somehow. I look forward to your writing. You are wonderful.

  7. I will be one of those who will miss you Pat. I hope you'll get back to blogging one day. Good luck in your endeavors and Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

  8. Good luck with your writing. You should pop up from time to time to let us know how it's going.

  9. Oh wow! A new chapter in your life! How exciting!

    I will truly miss your tours and lovely photos. You have a great eye and I always enjoy them!

    I have enjoyed "meeting" you and traveling with you and Jim. What fun you have had!

    And now...on to bigger and more wonderful adventures!

    You go girl!

    PS And come and "see" me sometime, okay??? :)

  10. Good luck on your new adventure Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

  11. I'll miss your blog, but wish you success and satisfaction in your new endeavor.

  12. Blogland won't be the same without you, Pat. You never fail to put smiles on people's faces. Wishing you well with the writing and sending lots of Christmas cheer your way.

  13. Best wishes with your writing in the the new year. We will miss you blogging,, but will hope to see you return in the future. Merry Christmas.

  14. Sorry to hear you won't be writing here, but glad to know you will keep writing. I will miss your humorous posts.

  15. Wow Pat -- I know you've been teetering "on the edge" for a while re. blogging. We'll miss you; I do hope you keep in touch a little bit, would hate to lose complete track of you. It's great you are thinking of the next step in your writing though -- keep us posted!

    Wishing you a Joyful Holiday season and a happy and productive 2014.

  16. I do and will think of you every time we go to some obscure spot in this good ol' US of A. I hope you are having fun, whatever you are doing these days.


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