
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Some of NYC Street Art

There is graffiti, and then there's street art. Here is some of the BEST street art found in New York in 2012.

These are only a handful of the top 25 voted the best street art. If you want to see all of the art work, click here.   All photos were taken by Jake Dobkin.

I know that you will all agree with me - this street art is MUCH BETTER than seeing gang sign graffiti!


  1. I agree with you, Pat. Street Art is an art on it's own, done by talented people. I love it. And doesn't it brighten up a dismal building?

  2. That's some beautiful art. Give it time b/f the taggers deface it.

  3. ha. i love the kissing sailor one...NYC is the bomb and the street art is amazing!

  4. Amazing art! Who couldn't love it?

  5. Amazing art! Who couldn't love it?

  6. Oh these are all great. I'm glad to hear the term 'street art' and realize the difference between it and grafittti or tagging.

    I hope you're OK with the horrible storms that I'm just now hearing about.

  7. I think this is great street art. Thanks for sharing it Pat. They really brighten up a city.

  8. It's a beauty. Wish more would do street art

  9. Looks like one of them is Banksy. Love Banksy.

  10. I usually see art on the sides of trains. These are MUCH better.


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