
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Signs - No Regrets

I don't know about you, but I always like to read license plates. This guy has no regrets. No regrets about what? Cashing in his 401K to buy this car? Staying single so he can have his weekends free? What? Inquiring minds want to know! Don't know if you can read what it says under "no regret"...."Drive Topless".
Not for the feint of heart! (Sorry the picture is not crystal clear but I took it through our car window.)

For more signs to think about, visit Lesley here.


  1. It screams... I can be a (beep) and I don't care, ha-ha! :) Danica

  2. I like to read number plates... I saw a beauty the other day about Aston Villa football team.... and I couldn't get a picture!

  3. I love reading license plates too! Going to Grateful Dead shows was always a blast (for many reasons) b/c in the parking lot so many people had Dead-themed license plates. Before I moved out west in the 80s, my plate said, 'CASSA-D' after Neal Cassady and also the Dead song 'Cassidy'.

  4. smiles...if only life was so easy to have no regrets you know...but the philosophy, i can get into that...

  5. he probably just got it because it sounds cool

  6. I saw a license plate that said "I H8 U". It was 6:45 in the morning, amidst heavy morning traffic. I was not amused.

  7. Regrets? We all have a few, but hopefully too few to mention.

  8. I like reading license plates and bumper stickers both. I always think, "You get to tell folks driving by one thing about yourself, and that's what you chose??"
    I'm thinking that driver is just too young to know he should be regretting a few things. :)

  9. Hehe! He's gonna regret the first time he goes topless in the sunshine in summer and comes in red and burned... ;) Fun!

  10. I'd certainly have regrets if I were to 'drive topless' in the weather we are having at the moment.

  11. Great catch!

    Lots of great comments above. ;-)


  12. Good find! That is definitely an interesting plate haha!

  13. Seeing this license plate lets you imagination run wild. You came up with some good ideas.

  14. Good one. I used to collect vanity plates (mentally) when we were on the road all the time (as I'm sure you did too)...never managed to get pictures of the best ones. .

  15. Good catch. Not sure if I'd like it for my car though.

  16. Can't top dkzody's comment - perfect!
    Wouldn't it be nice to live without any regrets?
    I don't blame him for driving topless. I would too if I had a convertible. But if I were him I'd regret I didn't buy a red one. :)

  17. No regrets? Maybe none until the payment comes due each month. Or maybe no regrets for divorcing the wife, buying this car and getting a girlfriend (who is only with him because he has a cool car). I really shouldn't watch soaps.

  18. I like to take it one step further and imagine sayings in regular issue licence plates. If you look at the letters and numbers, add a little imagination (and squint a bit), some of those plates have interesting things on them as well.

  19. I'm going to assume the drive topless refers to it being a convertible...but you never know, do you?? Love these posts!


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