
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Signs - Across the Line

This post office straddles the dividing line between Texas and Arkansas. Half of the building lies in Texas and has a Texas zip code. The other half lies in Arkansas and has an Arkansas zip code! Here is the building:

and a closer look at that sign:

Now that's funny!

For more funny signs, visit Lesley HERE.


  1. nice...its kinda like the plaques in bristol that split the city between VA and TN

  2. I love it! I wonder if they have two entirely different sets of workers. They should put a post office at Four Corners! (UT AZ NM CO)

  3. Wow...You learn something new every day!

  4. Wow...You learn something new every day!

  5. I'm wondering if it's an administrative headache? Great find!


    P.S. I love your blog header with all the mums - your yard? Very pretty!

  6. This reminds me of a show I saw years ago about a library that straddled the US/Canada border. I think things like that are cool.

  7. I live at the border of two cities - officially, I live in one with a postal code for the other!

  8. Does that Texas door look slightly larger than the Arkansas door? Perhaps it's just my imagination. Interesting sign. Must be a back story here.

  9. That is absolutely wonderful!!!! I knew about TexArkana, but never imagined a joint post office; I LOVE knowing this.

  10. I have heard the term Texarkana, but never had a clue as to its historical significance. Great sign. genie

  11. Nobody in their right mind would put a building ON a dividing line! Just saying..... :)


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